
The Iron Swords War (Updated to 1 p.m., October 23, 2023)

The Israeli Air Force continued to carry out massive air strikes on terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians called them “unprecedented” and heaviest attacks since the beginning of the war. Ground forces operated along the Gazan border to counter terrorism, clear the area of terrorists in preparation for a ground attack, and attempt to collect additional information about the missing and abducted. An anti-tank missile killed one IDF soldier and injured three. The Palestinian terrorist organizations continued launching rockets at Israel, although at a relatively slower pace.So far, more than 1,400 civilian and soldier deaths have been reported, and 222 civilian and soldiers abductees are being held by terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Hamas continues to insist that in any negotiation for their release a distinction will be made between civilians and soldiers.According to reports in Gaza, the humanitarian situation is deteriorating. Hezbollah squads continue attacking IDF posts and Israeli cities, towns and villages along and near the Lebanese border with anti-tank missiles, rockets and mortar shells.

The Iron Swords War (Updated to 1 p.m., October 22, 2023)

Israeli Air Force airstrikes on terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip continued, destroying several terrorist facilities, mainly belonging to Hamas. Meanwhile, the Palestinian terrorist organizations continue firing rockets at Israel, although at a relatively low pace. So far, more than 7,500 rockets have been fired at Israel. Several hundred launches fell in the territory of the Gaza Strip. Two abductees, a mother and her daughter, American citizens, were returned to Israel after negotiations mediated by Qatar. Israel's calls for the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south have been met with opposition from Hamas, especially the evacuation of hospitals and UNRWA shelters. On October 21, 2023, the Rafah Crossing was opened to allow twenty trucks of humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. Attacks continued on the Lebanese border. Hezbollah terrorist operatives fired anti-tank weapons and shot small arms at IDF posts and civilian towns and villages. Six Hezbollah terrorists were killed. IDF forces continued counterterrorism activities. In Jenin, for the first time since the second intifada, a plane was used to attack a mosque where there were terrorist operatives who were en route to carrying out a mass-casualty attack. One Border Police fighter was killed and several were wounded.

The Iron Swords War (Updated to 1 p.m., October 19, 2023)

Ground forces carried out targeted raids in the Gaza Strip to locate information about the abducted and missing persons. The Palestinian terrorist organizations continued launching rockets, for the most part in the afternoon and evening after the American president had left the region. Since the beginning of the war, more than 7,000 rockets and mortar shells have been fired at Israel. An analysis indicated that so far about 10% of the launches were unsuccessful and the rockets fell in the Gaza Strip. So far, more than 1,400 civilian and soldier deaths have been reported; 203 civilian and soldier abductees are being held in the Gaza Strip by the terrorist organizations. The Gaza Strip: Sources in the Gaza Strip report a worsening humanitarian situation. Egypt agreed to open the Rafah Crossing for the entrance of a limited number of trucks, but for now the Crossing remains closed. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) criticized the American position, claiming it was biased in favor of Israel. PIJ spokesman Tareq al-Salami called on the Arab nations to invade the embassies of countries that support Israel, especially the American embassies, and burn them to the ground. The northern sector: Tensions continue mounting on the northern border. Since the afternoon of October 18, 2023, a number of rockets and anti-tank missiles have been launched and shots have been fired at IDF posts along the border. The IDF returned fire and attacked several Hezbollah terrorist targets. Hezbollah reported three deaths. Judea and Samaria: Israeli security forces continued counterterrorism activities, detaining Palestinians suspected of terrorist activity, including senior Hamas operatives. On October 19, 2023, activity focused on the Nur al-Shams refugee camp near Tulkarm. Iran: Senior government officials continue diplomatic contacts with Arab countries. The chief of the Iranian armed forces general staff spoke with the defense ministers of Russia and Qatar. According to reports

The Iron Swords – The war in the south of Israel (Updated to 1 p.m., October 15, 2023)

IDF forces continued to operate, primarily carrying out aerial attacks, against terrorist targets throughout the Gaza Strip. Several squads, including anti-tank squads, were captured on the border. A number of operatives of Hamas' military-terrorist wing were killed in the attacks, some of them released from Israeli jails in the Gilad Shalit exchange deal (2011). Rockets attacks continued, most of them targeting the Israeli villages near the Gaza Strip border and Ashkelon. A rocket was also fired at the Haifa area. Israel called on the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate their homes and move to the central and southern Gaza Strip. Hamas tried to prevent the evacuation. In northern Israel several anti-tank missile and rocket attacks were reported from Lebanon and Syria. One Israeli was killed and several were injured. The IDF returned fire. As of now, tensions remain high. In Judea and Samaria Israeli security forces continued counterterrorism activities. The ministry of health in Ramallah reported 55 Palestinian deaths and approximately 1,200 wounded since the beginning of the war. The Iranian foreign minister held a round of meetings in Syria, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries.

Spotlight on Iran (September 26 – October 8, 2023)

With contacts aimed at promoting possible normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the background, Iranian Supreme Leader and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attacked Israel and warned against the normalization process. The Syrian army reported an Israeli strike against several military targets in the Deir ez-Zor area in eastern Syria. Iran condemned the drone attack launched from Idlib territory in northwestern Syria at the graduation ceremony of the officers’ course at the military college in Homs, killing dozens of people Iraq’s national security adviser visited Tehran. In a first Iranian reaction to the developments in the Palestinian arena, Rahim Safavi, the senior advisor to the Iranian leader, stated that Iran supports the "commendable operation of Al-Aqsa Storm" and is confident that the 'Resistance Front' backs this cause. He congratulated the 'Palestinian fighters' and affirmed that Iran would stand alongside those fighters until the 'liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem' (ISNA, 7 October 2023).

Spotlight on Iran (September 11 – 26, 2023)

The IRGC commander responded to the Israeli Mossad chief’s threats to increase Israel’s activity against Iran, warning that if Israel continues its assassination policy, its life will be shortened, and Iran will have the upper hand.The Iranian media reported on a visit to Syria by Qods Force Commander Esmail Qaani, during which he met with senior political and security officials and visited operational areas in the country. According to a Syrian news channel report, the IRGC and pro-Iranian militias intend to turn the Soleimani military base in eastern Syria into their main base in the region and transfer weapons currently at the Imam Ali base there. Intensive contacts have been held over the past two weeks between senior Iranian and Iraqi officials over Iran’s demand to dismantle the separatist Kurdish groups operating in the Kurdish region in northern Iraq. The Iraqi foreign minister, who visited Tehran, stressed his country’s commitment to the security agreement with Iran and to dismantling the Kurdish armed groups operating in northern Iraq.

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