
Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 13-19, 2018)

In eastern Syria, the SDF forces, with Coalition air support, managed to take over most of the city of Hajin (ISIS’s main stronghold in the enclave under its control east of the Euphrates River). ISIS continues its terrorist attacks and guerrilla warfare in in the various provinces in Iraq, despite the preventive actions of the Iraqi security forces.

Spotlight on Iran (December 2, 2018 – December 16, 2018)

Iran is keeping a low profile with regards to the “Northern Shield” operation carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to destroy Hezbollah tunnels along Israel’s border with Lebanon. The Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)’s Qods Force, Qasem Soleimani, visited Iraq and met with the country’s grand mufti. An extraordinary commentary published in the reformist Iranian paper harshly criticized Hamas

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 6-12, 2018)

In eastern Syria, SDF forces, with massive air and artillery support from the Coalition countries, launched an attack on ISIS in the city of Hajin, ISIS’s stronghold in the enclave north of Albukamal. In the Idlib area incidents continued, consisting mainly of exchanges of artillery fire between the Syrian army and the jihadi rebel organizations. On December 12, 2018, a shooting attack was carried out in the Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. Four people were apparently killed and around 12 wounded

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 29 – December 5, 2018)

In the Idlib area, clashes continued, mainly between the Syrian army and the jihadi organizations. In eastern Syria, the fighting continued between the SDF and ISIS. In Iraq, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) captured Jamal al-Mashhadani, a senior ISIS operative who had held a number of senior positions in Iraq and Syria, and served, inter alia, as governor of the North Baghdad Province and the Kirkuk Province.

Spotlight on Iran (November 18 – December 2, 2018)

The 32nd annual Islamic Unity Conference was held in Tehran and attended by Iranian senior officials and representatives from about 100 countries. According to Syrian sources cited in the newspaper al-Sharq al-Awsat, Iran recently stepped up its efforts to recruit Syrian citizens into pro-Iranian militias operating in northeastern Syria. Iran continues to exert effort to cement its economic foothold in Iraq.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 22-28, 2018)

In the Idlib area and west Aleppo, incidents continued between the Syrian army and the rebel organizations. The Syrian regime accused the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham of firing the shells and utilized the incident for a smear campaign against the rebel organization. ISIS’s provinces around the world continue to initiate attacks.

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