Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 21-27, 2017)

In Syria, battles continue between the Syrian forces and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham, as part of the campaign to liberate Idlib. In Afghanistan, the series of attacks in ISIS’s Khorasan Province (Afghanistan/Pakistan) continued. This week, ISIS announced the establishment of its Kashmir Province in India, as part of the ultimate goal of establishing an Islamic Caliphate in the Indian subcontinent.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 20 –26, 2017)

This past week riots and demonstrations continued following Trump's declaration and the emergency vote held in the UN General Assembly. This past week rocket fire from the Gaza Strip stopped, while in Judea and Samaria there was an attempted stabbing attack. In the international arena, the Palestinians perceived the vote in the UN as a great achievement. They intend to continue intense political activity, including joining international organizations and an appeal to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 14-20, 2017)

Following President Putin’s announcement about the removal of a “substantial portion” of the Russian forces in Syria, the evacuation process began this week. In the campaign for the takeover of Idlib, battles continued between the Syrian forces and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham in the area northeast of Hama. Abroad, ISIS’s terrorist campaign continued, with noteworthy attacks in the Khorasan Province (Afghanistan/Pakistan).

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 7-13, 2017)

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to Syria. The Syrians (and the Russians) announced that the mopping up of the Euphrates Valley in the area between Al-Mayadeen and Albukamal had been completed. In the heart of Manhattan, an amateurishly prepared IED exploded on the body of a Bangladeshi immigrant terrorist.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 30 – December 6, 2017)

On both sides of the Euphrates River in the area between Deir ez-Zor and Albukamal, searches after ISIS operatives who fled to the desert continue. This week, a meeting was held between senior Russian and Kurdish officers in the village of Al-Salihiyah, located midway between Al-Mayadeen and Albukamal. Even after the collapse of the Islamic State, ISIS continues to threaten Western countries and to call on its supporters to carry out attacks against the so-called infidels.

Drive for Bitcoin donations on an ISIS-affiliated website

In November 2017 a drive was launched on the ISIS-affiliated website Akhbar al-Muslimin for donations of Bitcoins (for information about the website see below). The website has posted a link for Bitcoin donations. The donations are allegedly for the website, but in ITIC assessment they may be used for ISIS broader goals, one of which is rehabilitating its propaganda machine (which was recently damaged) and possibly also for funding terrorist attacks abroad.


ISIS is a relatively new Salafist-jihadi Islamic terrorist organization. ISIS is part of a radical Islamist movement that was established around a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. During the course of the fighting against the United States, ISIS established itself in the Sunni areas of western Iraq. During the civil war in Syria, ISIS expanded to Syrian territory as well. In June 2014, ISIS recorded impressive achievements, culminating in the takeover of the city of Mosul, Iraq, the takeover of Al-Raqqah in Syria, and the announcement of the establishment of the Caliphate State (the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria).

ISIS has branches (provinces) in the Sinai Peninsula, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, West Africa and elsewhere. These branches are inspired by ISIS. ISIS carries out terrorist attacks against the forces fighting against it, as well as terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq. In addition to fighting against its many enemies in Iraq and Syria, ISIS carries out terrorist attacks abroad, either directly by its operatives, or by instigating its supporters to carry out terrorist attacks in the countries where they live (“ISIS-inspired attacks”). ISIS has carried out several noteworthy attacks in cities in Western Europe, Turkey, the Sinai Peninsula, and Russia. In September 2014, the United States announced the establishment of a coalition for the war against ISIS. The US-led Coalition forces assist the Iraqi army and local forces in Syria through air support, sending experts, and providing weapons and training. In the wake of the war against ISIS, the organization has begun to lose its bases in Syria and Iraq, including the large cities of Mosul and Al-Raqqah.

ISIS places considerable emphasis on propaganda and has established extensive and professional media outlets that use Western tools and images to disseminate its messages. ISIS’s messages are disseminated around the world, trying to offer new meaning to isolated, alienated young Muslims.