The Iron Swords War (Updated to 1 p.m., October 22, 2023)

Israeli Air Force airstrikes on terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip continued, destroying several terrorist facilities, mainly belonging to Hamas. Meanwhile, the Palestinian terrorist organizations continue firing rockets at Israel, although at a relatively low pace. So far, more than 7,500 rockets have been fired at Israel. Several hundred launches fell in the territory of the Gaza Strip. Two abductees, a mother and her daughter, American citizens, were returned to Israel after negotiations mediated by Qatar. Israel's calls for the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to evacuate to the south have been met with opposition from Hamas, especially the evacuation of hospitals and UNRWA shelters. On October 21, 2023, the Rafah Crossing was opened to allow twenty trucks of humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. Attacks continued on the Lebanese border. Hezbollah terrorist operatives fired anti-tank weapons and shot small arms at IDF posts and civilian towns and villages. Six Hezbollah terrorists were killed. IDF forces continued counterterrorism activities. In Jenin, for the first time since the second intifada, a plane was used to attack a mosque where there were terrorist operatives who were en route to carrying out a mass-casualty attack. One Border Police fighter was killed and several were wounded.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 14-20, 2023)

This week, there was a decline in ISIS’s activity around the world. The organization’s activity focused on Syria and Africa. In the Idlib area, fighting continued between the forces of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS and the Syrian army. In the desert area, three pro-Iranian militia fighters were killed in an ISIS attack. In Nigeria ISIS attacked Nigerian army targets in the northeast of the country. In Somalia operatives of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab continued to attack targets of the Somali army and the forces supporting it. Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger have formed a new defense alliance to jointly fight jihadi terrorist organizations headed by Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Al-Qaeda’s branch in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) renewed the publication of the magazine Sada al-Malahim, apparently to enlist support and operatives. Unofficial media arms affiliated with Al-Qaeda published posters threatening the United States and its allies and Sweden and its “sisters.”

Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 7-13, 2023)

This week, there was an increase in ISIS’s activities around the world. The organization’s activities were concentrated in Syria and Africa. In ISIS’s activity in the desert area, nine members of the forces supporting Syria and three civilians were killed. In the rebel enclave in Idlib, exchanges of fire continued between the Syrian army and the Al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS. An operation by the Kurdish SDF forces against ISIS in the Deir ez-Zor area killed 29 militants and 25 SDF fighters. In Iraq ISIS operatives attacked the building of a government company engaged in mining east of Rutba, in western Iraq. This is the most significant attack carried out by ISIS in Iraq in recent times. The Al-Qaeda-affiliated Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen (JNIM) announced that it had attacked a Burkina Faso army force near the border with Mali. According to the organization, at least 50 soldiers were killed.Al-Qaeda and ISIS marked the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by glorifying the event and inciting violence against the “infidels.”

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 31-September 6, 2023)

This week, there was a decline in the scope of ISIS’s activity around the world. Most of the organization’s activity focused on Africa. In the rebel enclave in Idlib, clashes intensified between the Syrian army and the rebel organizations led by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS. ISIS operatives in Deir ez-Zor threatened the Kurdish SDF forces and the Syrian army that they would liberate their operatives and their families detained in the Al-Hol camp. In Nigeria ISIS continued to attack the Nigerian army in Borno State, in the northeast of the country. In Somalia: Operatives of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab continued their attacks against Somalia’s security forces. The Somali army, alongside its regional partners and the US army, continued its activity against the organization. Al-Shabaab reportedly sustained around 200 fatalities.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 24-30, 2023)

This week, the scope of ISIS’s activity around the world increased. The organization’s activity focused on Africa. In Israel an indictment was filed against a resident of Rahat for membership in ISIS and an attempt to enlist support for the organization.The Salafist-jihadi organization Ansar al-Tawhid in Syria claimed responsibility for detonating a booby-trapped tunnel under Syrian army positions on the outskirts of Idlib, killing at least 11 soldiers and wounding 20 others. Two Syrian soldiers were killed and six wounded while attempting to infiltrate the rebel enclave in Idlib. ISIS prisoners reportedly escaped from Ghuwayran Prison in Al-Hasakah. In Nigeria: ISIS carried out several attacks against Nigerian security forces in the northeast of the country. Clashes between Boko Haram and ISIS continued. A total of 49 women kidnapped by Boko Haram were released for ransom paid by their families.In Somalia Operatives of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabaab attacked three bases of Somali army special units and militias supporting the army. According to the organization, following the attack, it managed to retake several cities and towns in the region.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 17-23, 2023)

This week, there was a decline in the scope of ISIS’s activity around the world. The centers of activity were Africa and Syria .HTS operatives and Syrian regime forces, supported by the Russian Air Force, exchanged artillery fire. HTS detained a senior member of the organization on suspicion of having contacts with elements outside the organization. An ISIS operative who was involved in the attack at Set Zaynab in Syria was killed in Beirut during an attempt by Hezbollah operatives to arrest him. In Nigeria: In clashes between ISIS and Boko Haram, at least 100 people were killed on both sides. Militants, apparently Al-Qaeda or ISIS operatives, attacked a Nigerien army force near the Niger-Mali border. A total of 17 soldiers were killed and about 20 wounded.. The Somali government banned the use of TikTok and Telegram, claiming that Al-Shabaab uses these platforms to spread its ideology.


ISIS is a relatively new Salafist-jihadi Islamic terrorist organization. ISIS is part of a radical Islamist movement that was established around a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. During the course of the fighting against the United States, ISIS established itself in the Sunni areas of western Iraq. During the civil war in Syria, ISIS expanded to Syrian territory as well. In June 2014, ISIS recorded impressive achievements, culminating in the takeover of the city of Mosul, Iraq, the takeover of Al-Raqqah in Syria, and the announcement of the establishment of the Caliphate State (the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria).

ISIS has branches (provinces) in the Sinai Peninsula, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, West Africa and elsewhere. These branches are inspired by ISIS. ISIS carries out terrorist attacks against the forces fighting against it, as well as terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq. In addition to fighting against its many enemies in Iraq and Syria, ISIS carries out terrorist attacks abroad, either directly by its operatives, or by instigating its supporters to carry out terrorist attacks in the countries where they live (“ISIS-inspired attacks”). ISIS has carried out several noteworthy attacks in cities in Western Europe, Turkey, the Sinai Peninsula, and Russia. In September 2014, the United States announced the establishment of a coalition for the war against ISIS. The US-led Coalition forces assist the Iraqi army and local forces in Syria through air support, sending experts, and providing weapons and training. In the wake of the war against ISIS, the organization has begun to lose its bases in Syria and Iraq, including the large cities of Mosul and Al-Raqqah.

ISIS places considerable emphasis on propaganda and has established extensive and professional media outlets that use Western tools and images to disseminate its messages. ISIS’s messages are disseminated around the world, trying to offer new meaning to isolated, alienated young Muslims.