ISIS’s West Africa Province Grooms the Organization’s Next Generation

On January 18, 2022, the information office of ISIS's West Aafrican Province published a video entitled "The Empowerment Generation" (jil al-tamkin). The 27-minute video depicts the indoctrination and training of African youths at an ISIS training camp called "The institute for the lion cubs of the Caliphate" (Telegram, January 18, 2022). The location of the camp is not given is probably situated in northeastern Nigeria, which is where ISIS's West African Province operates.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 13-19, 2021)

An Islamic anti-Semitic terrorist attack was carried out in the United States this week. A man armed with a gun broke into a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas during Sabbath services and held four worshipers hostage. There was a decrease in activity in ISIS's provinces this week: Syria: ISIS operatives carried out several attacks against the Kurdish SDF forces in the Deir ez-Zor region. Iraq: This week, there was a decrease in the scope of ISIS's activity in the various provinces. Africa: ISIS continued its activity in Mozambique, especially against Christian villages in the northwest of the country. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in this week's issue of Al-Naba’ weekly is devoted to encouraging ISIS operatives to continue their activity, stressing that the victory of Islam will be achieved through those who adhere to Islam, and those who are willing to suffer and stand the test of faith in order to achieve their goal.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 5-12, 2021)

Syria: There was a significant decrease in ISIS activity, which continued to target the Syrian army in the desert region and the SDF forces in the Al-Raqqa region. Iraq: ISIS continued its attacks against the Iraqi army, the Popular Mobilization and the Kurdish Peshmerga, mainly in the Diyala and Salah al-Din provinces. Africa: In Nigeria, attacks continued against the Nigerian army and militias loyal to it in the northeast of the country. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to ISIS’s struggle against Christianity on the African continent.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 30 – January 5, 2022)

Afghanistan: There was a significant decrease in ISIS’s activity this week. Two attacks were carried out in the capital Kabul, killing six Taliban members. Syria: Artillery exchanges continued between the Syrian army and the forces supporting it, and the rebel forces. Iraq: This week, ISIS concentrated its activity mainly on Iraqi army forces and counterterrorism units operating against ISIS in the Hamrin region in the northern part of the Diyala Province. Sinai: An Egyptian soldier and a fighter from the Sinai Tribal Union were reportedly . Lebanon: Lebanese foreign fighters have reportedly joined the ranks of ISIS in Syria, apparently in light of the dire economic situation in Lebanon.