News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 25 – 31, 2016)

This past week a Palestinian terrorist, in Israeli illegally, carried out a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv, wounding an IDF soldier. At the swearing-in ceremony of newly-appointed Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, both the prime minister and new defense minister expressed their support for the solution of two states for two peoples to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian

Iranian Participation in the Liberation of Fallujah – Dr. Raz Zimmt

On May 22, 2016, Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi announced the beginning of a campaign to liberate the city of Fallujah from ISIS. Fallujah, located 54 kilometers (about 33.5 miles) west of Baghdad, is the most important stronghold still held by ISIS in the Sunni Anbar Province (western Iraq). The campaign is being carried out

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 19-25, 2016)

ISIS continues to face military pressure in Iraq and Syria: In Iraq, a campaign for the liberation of Fallujah has begun. ISIS’s response to the pressure it is facing is to increase its terrorist attacks and guerrilla warfare in Syria and Iraq. With the approach of the month of Ramadan, ISIS mounted an extensive propaganda

Spotlight on Iran* (May 8 – May 22, 2016)

Senior Iranian officials reacted strongly to the rebel attack on Khan Tuman (south of Aleppo, Syria). Senior Iranian officials reacted strongly to the death of senior Hezbollah operative Mustafa Badr al-Din, some of accusing Israel of responsibility for his death. General Ramazan Sharif, IRGC spokesman, said at a press conference that the IRGC was experiencing

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 11-18, 2016)

This week, ISIS suffered two additional blows in the strategically important Iraq-Syria-Jordan tri-border area. The city of Rutba and the Al-Tanf border crossing are of major importance because they control the main route leading from Baghdad to Damascus and Jordan. ISIS, on its part, has increased its terrorist attacks against Shiite targets in Baghdad.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (May 11-17, 2016)

This past week terrorist events focused on pipe bombs that exploded near the village of Hizma (north of Jerusalem), critically wounding an IDF officer. Nakba Day events in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip were held without exceptional incident.