Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 27 – May 4, 2022)

This week, ISIS continued its intensive activity around the globe as part of its campaign of vengeance that began on April 17, 2022. Syria: ISIS continued its attacks against the Kurdish forces (SDF), the Syrian army, and the forces supporting it. Iraq: There was an increase in the number of attacks, most of which took the form of IED detonation and shooting. The Sinai Peninsula: Clashes continued between ISIS and Egyptian security forces. Israel: An indictment was filed against two brothers from the village of Muawiyah (in Wadi Ara) who pledged allegiance to ISIS and planned to join it. Afghanistan: ISIS claimed responsibility for three attacks.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 14-27, 2022)

Over the past two weeks, there has been a significant increase in the scope of ISIS’s activity in its various provinces around the globe. Syria: Despite the announcement of the campaign, activity continued at a relatively low level and was directed mainly against the Syrian army, the forces supporting it, and the Kurdish SDF. Iraq: There was a significant increase in the scope of ISIS's activity in Iraq, although most of the attacks were relatively minor. The Sinai Peninsula: There was an increase in ISIS's activity. At the same time, the Egyptian army and the local militias supporting it continued their counterterrorism activity. Counterterrorism in Israel: A Palestinian resident of Hebron, an ISIS supporter, was detained following the solving of a murder he committed three years ago of a couple in Jerusalem and another murder he committed about a month ago. In addition, the Israeli security forces detained several Arab-Israeli residents who are affiliated with ISIS.

ISIS announces campaign to avenge the death of its former leader and spokesman

On April 17, 2022, ISIS’s spokesman released an audiotape by several media outlets, calling on all Muslims around the world to launch a campaign of vengeance for the death of ISIS’s former leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi and spokesman Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, who were killed in Syria in February 2022.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 31 – April 6, 2022)

In Syria and Iraq, ISIS’s relatively low-intensity activity continued this week. The Sinai Peninsula: Egypt announced that it had extended for another six months the presidential decree indicating a special security situation in the Sinai Peninsula. Africa: In Nigeria, this week ISIS’s attacks were concentrated in the Malam Fatori region in northeastern Nigeria, near the border with Niger. ISIS’s media outlets continue to release videos documenting operatives pledging allegiance to the new leader in ISIS’s various provinces. Following two ISIS-inspired attacks in Israel (in Beersheba and Hadera), sources in the Israeli defense establishment estimate that there are currently around 200 Arab citizens of Israel who are affiliated with ISIS’s ideology. The battle for hearts and minds: ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly devoted a central place in this week's issue to the attack in Hadera.

After the terrorist attacks in the Israeli cities of Beersheba and Hadera, ISIS launches campaign to encourage its supporters to continue carrying out attacks in Israel

In the third week of March 2022, two terrorist attacks were perpetrated in Israel (in Beersheba and Hadera) by Israeli Arabs who were affiliated with ISIS and were probably inspired by it. In a statement published by ISIS on its Telegram channel, it officially claims responsibility for carrying out the attack in Hadera. In a statement published by Amaq Agency, ISIS’s media arm, the terrorist attack in Beersheba is also mentioned, although no separate official claim of responsibility has been issued (Telegram, March 27, 2022).

Two deadly ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks carried out in southern and central Israel

On March 22 and 27, 2022, two deadly terrorist attacks were carried out, one in Beersheba, in southern Israel, and one in Hadera, in the country's center. So far it is unclear if they were connected. Four Israelis were killed in Beersheba and two were wounded. In Hadera two Israelis were killed and five were wounded.