Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 15-21, 2015)

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed formal responsibility for the attack at the editorial offices of the weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris.. At the same time, ISIS operatives continued to call on the organization’s supporters in France and the West (via Twitter): “Do all in your power, kill them, slaughter them, burn their cars

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (January 14-20, 2015)

Israel’s south remains quiet. In Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem violence and terrorism continue, although their intensity has abated somewhat. Ms. Fatou Bensouda, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, announced a preliminary examination would be carried out into the situation in “Palestine” to determine if there was a reasonable basis for

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 8-14, 2015)

This week was marked by a series of terrorist shooting attacks in Paris, directed against the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and Jewish targets. These attacks killed 17 people. In Iraq and Syria, the fighting continued in the known locations, although the intensity of the fighting decreased due to the stormy weather.

Jihad Operatives in France Affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS Carry Out Shooting Attacks Killing 17

Between January 7 and 9, 2015, local jihadist operatives carried out a series of shooting attacks in Paris, including a mass shooting attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which had long been in the jihadi organizations’ crosshairs (12 killed, ten employees and two policemen), a shooting attack at a Jewish school that was not

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 1-7, 2015)

This week, there were no significant changes in the various combat zones in Iraq and Syria. In November 2014, in the region of Hebron, Israeli security services detained a terrorist squad affiliated with ISIS. ISIS-affiliated media channels continue to call on Muslim communities in the West to carry out terrorist attacks in their native). A

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 31, 2014 – January 6, 2015)

This past week clashes continued along the Israel-Gaza Strip border. In Hebron an ISIS-affiliated terrorist squad was apprehended. The Palestinian Authority’s proposed UN resolution failed to pass the Security Council vote. In response the PA formally filed applications to join twenty international conventions. In response, Israel froze the transfer of 500 million shekels ($126 million)