Ahmad Vahidi, wanted by Interpol for participation in the 1994 terrorist attack in Buenos Aires, is the new designated defense minister of Iran (still unratified by the Parliament).

His nomination signals the increasing strength of the Revolutionary Guards and Ahmadinejad’s intention to continue defying the West and subverting the Middle East.

The Islamization process promoted by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and its social and political implications on the local, the Middle Eastern, and the international scenes

Ever since it took over the Gaza Strip in June 2007, Hamas has been promoting a process of gradual Islamization, designed to further its vision of establishing a Palestinian state based on Islamic religious law (shari’ah).

Internet and terrorism:

Internet and terrorism: a local terrorist network in the Gaza Strip affiliated with Al-Qaeda and global jihad was behind the failed attempt to perpetrate a showcase terrorist attack at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal (June 8). The network’s website is serviced by several companies, including one based in the US

During Operation Cast Lead a promotional film was seized about a military academy established by Hamas named after Dr. Abdallah Azzam, Osama bin Laden’s ideologue.

Hamas turned him into a role model, although in practice the movement restricts the activities of the global jihad networks in the Gaza Strip.

Terrorism and Internet:

Al-Qaeda and the global jihad continue to recruit Palestinian operatives on the Internet. An Israeli military court sentenced Amjad Qadri from Nablus to 14 months in prison. He was charged with being a moderator on Al-Hisbah, a closed online forum of the global jihad

The use of mosques for military and political purposes by Hamas and other terrorist organizations and Islamic groups:

According to international laws governing of armed conflict, mosques used for military purposes lose the special protection afforded houses of worship and may become legitimate targets for attack.