Profile of IRGC Fighters Killed in Syria during the Past Month (Updated to November 16, 2015) – Dr. Raz Zimmt*

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the Qods Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), under the command of Qasem Soleimani, has led the effort to keep Damascus and strategic Syrian strongholds in the north from falling into the hands of the rebels, and to prevent the collapse of

Combined ISIS Suicide Bombing Attacks in the Shi’ite Suburb of South Beirut

In the late afternoon on November 12, 2015, ISIS carried out combined suicide bombing attacks in Burj al-Barajneh, the southern Shi’ite Hezbollah-controlled suburb of Beirut. Forty-three people were killed, most of them passersby, and 240 were injured (according to Al-Jazeera, quoting the Lebanese ministry of health). The blasts also destroyed a considerable amount of property

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 5 – 11, 2015)

According to media reports from the battle zones, the Syrian Army’s ground offensive, with Iranian and Russian air support, has been halted. Additional information published in the media reinforces the conclusion that the Russian plane was downed in Sinai as a result of the explosion of an IED, planted on board in Sharm el-Sheikh. In

Spotlight on Iran (October 26 – November 8, 2015)

Senior Iranian officials, led by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, repeatedly stressed Iran’s commitment to defending the Assad regime. Iran’s active participation in the ground offensive in northern Syria continued to claim many Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) victims. Mohammad-Ali Jafari, the IRGC commander, hinted at the existence of a disagreement within the Iranian administration

Spotlight on Global Jihad (October 29 – November 4, 2015)

The main event of the week was the crash of a Russian plane in northern Sinai, in which its 224 passengers (Russian tourists) were killed. ISIS has claimed responsibility for downing the plane. The Syrian Army’s ground offensive in northwestern Syria, with an emphasis on the rural area south of Aleppo, failed to progress this

Spotlight on Global Jihad (October 22 –28, 2015)

This week as well, the Syrian Army’s ground offensive was concentrated in the rural area south of Aleppo. The attack was directed against the rebel organizations, including ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front. It appears that the Iraqi Army, assisted by Shiite militias, is gradually completing its takeover of the oil city of Baiji, located north