The significance of the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Initial assessment)

The killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdad by an elite American force is a serious blow to ISIS. A charismatic, authoritarian leader, he was the dominant figure in the ISIS leadership. His uniqueness was his unsuccessful attempt, the first of its kind, to establish an Islamic Caliphate, here and now, which would restore to Islam the glory of its beginnings.

Has ISIS Been Defeated? Overview and possible developments after the fall of ISIS’s enclave in the lower Euphrates Valley

On March 23, 2019 the SDF Kurdish forces announced that they had destroyed the ISIS forces and brought to an end their control over the last pocket in the village of al-Baghuz. Thus the campaign waged by the SDF and their American and coalition supporters ended, after more than six months of battle.

ISIS’s media network: Developments in 2018 and future courses of action

The year 2018 was a significant year for ISIS’s media network. During this year, the organization’s media network became more decentralized, following the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. Syria and Iraq remained ISIS’s core countries, but the importance of the semi-autonomous provinces outside Iraq and Syria gradually increased. ISIS’s media network continues to be of a global nature, conducted mainly in cyberspace.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 7-13, 2019)

The “pocket” of ISIS’s operatives along the Euphrates River, which is a few square kilometers in size, is shrinking. In the Idlib area, incidents continue between the Syrian army (which continues to bring in reinforcements) and the jihadi organizations. In the city of Manbij and its environs, there has been no change on the ground. Of late, there has been an increase in the number of attacks by local ISIS networks in the city of Al-Raqqah While ISIS is under pressure in the Syrian arena, the organization continues its intensive terrorist and guerrilla activity in the Iraqi arena

ISIS’s response to President Trump’s statement: ISIS is not defeated and is determined to continue its campaigns in Syria, Iraq and throughout the world

ISIS’s Al-Nabā' weekly published in its recent issue, on January 3, 2019 (No. 163) its first official response to President Trump's statement on the pull-out of US military personnel from Syria.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 20-26, 2018)

The most important event of the week was the US announcement that it intended to pull out its military personnel from Syria. An ITIC analysis of ISIS’s situation in Syria, Iraq, and the various provinces abroad shows that the organization has not been defeated, even though it was weakened following the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate. After the Caliphate collapsed, ISIS once again changed its methods and adapted itself to the changing realities.