ISIS warns Egyptians to stay away from the election centers during the Egyptian presidential elections

In March 2018, ISIS began to publish prominent announcements on its leading website (Akhbar al-Muslimeen) warning Egyptian residents to stay away from the election centers during the Egyptian presidential elections (March 26-28, 2018).

Split among Al-Qaeda’s supporters in Syria, in light of severe differences of opinion regarding the nature of the ties with Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri

At the end of February 2018, six local groups of jihadists operating in northern Syria announced their withdrawal from the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and the establishment of a new organization called the Guardians of the Religion Organization.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 1-7, 2018)

This week as well, the fighting in Syria focused on eastern Al-Ghouta. This week, the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham (affiliated with Al-Qaeda) continued its violent clashes with other rebel organizations in order to gain exclusive control of the Idlib area. In Iraq, the security forces continue to achieve successes in their activity against ISIS operatives and networks in the various provinces.

The Establishment of ISIS in Syria in the Lower Euphrates Valley

In November 2017, the city of Albukamal near the Syrian-Iraqi border was taken over by the Syrian army and the pro-Iranian militia forces that support it. The city of Albukamal, which is located near an important border crossing between Syria and Iraq, was the last significant outpost of the Islamic State to fall into the hands of the Syrian forces and their allies.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 22-28, 2018)

The focus of the fighting in Syria has been moved to the area of eastern Ghouta (east of Damascus. The shift in the focus of the fighting to eastern Ghouta gave a timeout to the rebel organizations in the Idlib region. In various provinces in Iraq, the Iraqi security forces continue to exert pressure on local ISIS networks. The Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate uncovered an ISIS network of 17 operatives.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 8-14, 2018)

The Syrian forces continued to mop up the rural areas east of the Hama-Aleppo Highway, as part of the campaign to take over the Idlib area. In the eastern sector of the Euphrates River, north of Albukamal, clashes continued between SDF operatives (with Coalition air support) and ISIS operatives. ISIS has apparently returned to high-level operational capability in this sector, while the SDF fighters are finding it hard to provide a suitable response to the intensive guerrilla operations that ISIS is carrying out against them. In the Deir ez-Zor area, there was a violent confrontation between the SDF forces (with Coalition air support) and a Syrian tribal militia force operating on behalf of the Syrian regime.