Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 7-13, 2017)

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to Syria. The Syrians (and the Russians) announced that the mopping up of the Euphrates Valley in the area between Al-Mayadeen and Albukamal had been completed. In the heart of Manhattan, an amateurishly prepared IED exploded on the body of a Bangladeshi immigrant terrorist.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 30 – December 6, 2017)

On both sides of the Euphrates River in the area between Deir ez-Zor and Albukamal, searches after ISIS operatives who fled to the desert continue. This week, a meeting was held between senior Russian and Kurdish officers in the village of Al-Salihiyah, located midway between Al-Mayadeen and Albukamal. Even after the collapse of the Islamic State, ISIS continues to threaten Western countries and to call on its supporters to carry out attacks against the so-called infidels.

Drive for Bitcoin donations on an ISIS-affiliated website

In November 2017 a drive was launched on the ISIS-affiliated website Akhbar al-Muslimin for donations of Bitcoins (for information about the website see below). The website has posted a link for Bitcoin donations. The donations are allegedly for the website, but in ITIC assessment they may be used for ISIS broader goals, one of which is rehabilitating its propaganda machine (which was recently damaged) and possibly also for funding terrorist attacks abroad.

Takeover of Albukamal, the last stronghold of the Islamic State

On November 19, 2017, the Syrian army and the Shiite forces supporting it, with Russian air support, took over the city of Albukamal from ISIS. Albukamal was the last city remaining in the hands of the Islamic State in Syria. Its fall symbolized the end of the era of the Islamic State in Syria and the transformation of ISIS into a terror and guerrilla organization which does not have to defend a territorial framework.

Mass-Killing Attack at a Sufi Mosque in the Sinai Peninsula: Overview and Assessment

On November 24, 2017, there was a combined mass-killing attack at a mosque in the village of al-Rawda, near the town of Bir al-Abd (about 45 kilometers – 28 miles – west of El-Arish).

ISIS Denies Responsibility for Deadly Attack in Sinai Peninsula

On November 26, 2017, ISIS's al-Haq News Agency issued a three-minute video in English in which it claimed ISIS's Sinai Province denied all connection to the attack on the Sufi mosque in the northern Sinai Peninsula.