Vehicular Attacks in Spain: The Current Situation (Updated to noon, August 20, 2017)

On August 17 and 18, 2017, two vehicular attacks were carried out in Spain: A vehicular attack on Las Ramblas Boulevard in Barcelona, crowded with tourists. A vehicular attack in the vacation town of Cambrils, southwest of Barcelona. It was carried out by five terrorists driving a van.

ISIS Call to Attack Foreign Embassies and Diplomats of the “Infidel Countries”

ISIS's weekly newsletter al-Nabā' published an editorial about the lessons to be learned from the attack on the Iraqi embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan (July 30, 2017), which it called "an action of high quality." According to the editorial, attacking embassies and diplomatic staff is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to exert pressure on "infidel governments."

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 3-9, 2017)

The Syrian forces continued to advance towards Deir ez-Zor. The SDF forces are encountering difficulties in Al-Raqqah. Iraq: Iraqi forces and Shiite militias are preparing to take over the ISIS enclave in Tal Afar, some 70 km west of Mosul. In view of the “success” (from ISIS’s perspective) of the attack on the Iraqi embassy in Kabul, ISIS called on its supporters to attack the embassies and diplomatic corps of the “infidel countries” around the world.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (June 21 – 27, 2017)

This past week a rocket was fired into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip; a Salafi jihadist network claimed responsibility. This past week the Egyptian authorities opened the Rafah crossing for tanker trucks carrying diesel fuel for the Gaza Strip power plant and the private sector. Palestinians continue to glorify shaheeds and prisoners who carried

During diplomatic contacts with the Americans, the Palestinian Authority rejected demands to stop financial support for terrorist prisoners and the families of shaheeds

In recent diplomatic contacts between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the United States, the Americans demanded the PA stop its financial support for terrorist prisoners, released terrorist prisoners and the families of shaheeds.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 15-21, 2017)

On the ground, the severe pressure on ISIS is mounting: In Mosul, the Iraqi army has entered the Old City,. In Al-Raqqah, the SDF forces have taken over several other neighborhoods in the east and west of the city. Along the Syrian-Iraqi border and in eastern Syria, the competition for control continues between the local