Hamas as a Supporter of Anti-Egyptian Terrorism: Hamas-Egyptian relations deteriorated following the Egyptian accusation of Hamas involvement in the 2015 assassination of the Egyptian attorney general.

Hamas as a Supporter of Anti-Egyptian Terrorism: Hamas-Egyptian relations deteriorated following the Egyptian accusation of Hamas involvement in the 2015 assassination of the Egyptian attorney general. Egypt is also aware of Hamas’ collaboration with ISIS’s Sinai Province in its terrorist campaign

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 10-16, 2016)

The ceasefire in Syria, which entered into effect on the night of February 26-27, was maintained in its third week with the familiar characteristics. On the fifth anniversary of the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, and on the eve of the Geneva proximity talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a dramatic announcement on

ISIS Raid on Coastal City of Ben Gardane in Tunisia Fails but Shows Rise in Daring and Inherent Threats of ISIS Infrastructure in Libya

On March 7, 2016, an ISIS force of several dozen operatives raided the Tunisian city of Ben Gardane near the Tunisian-Libyan border. Some of the operatives were of Tunisian origin. They apparently came from Libya with the intention of attacking the Tunisian military and security force installations located in Ben Gardane and damaging the image

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 3-9, 2016)

The ceasefire in Syria, which came into effect on the night of February 26-27, resulted in a significant decrease in the intensity of the clashes in the areas where it is applied. Under cover of the ceasefire and with Russian air support, the Syrian Army carried out an attack on the city of Palmyra (east

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 2 – 8, 2016)

This past week the current Palestinian terrorist campaign continued, with varying degrees of intensity. Palestinians carried out stabbing, shooting and vehicular attacks at Nablus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Gush Etzion Junction (both focal points for terrorist attacks), the Jordan Valley and Samaria. The Egyptian regime continues claiming Hamas is involved in

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 25 – March 2, 2016)

The ceasefire in Syria between the Syrian regime and the non-jihadi (so-called moderate) rebel organizations, validated by a UN Security Council resolution, came into effect on the night of February 26-27, 2016. In the following days, there was a marked decline in the intensity of the fighting in the areas where the agreement is supposed