Twitter Account in Arabic Used to Incite Murder of Jews in an ISIS Campaign

The current wave of Palestinian terrorism against Israel is being capitalized on by ISIS for a campaign calling for the murder of Jews. The campaign is accompanied by anti-Semitic hate propaganda aimed at encouraging and continuing the current wave of terrorism, and is being represented as a confrontation between the Jews (the descendants of monkeys

Spotlight on Global Jihad (October 9-15, 2015)

The main event of the week was the Syrian Army’s ground attack with Iranian involvement, with the participation of Hezbollah operatives and with Russian air support. The situation of control on the ground is still unclear. According to initial information, the Syrian Army enjoyed local successes in the rural area north of Hama. The Syrian

Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 22 – October 8, 2015)

September 30, 2015, marked the beginning of a new phase in the foreign involvement in the civil war in Syria, when Russian planes began launching airstrikes in northern Syria. So far, most of the Russian airstrikes, along with the launch of cruise missiles from Russian ships in the Caspian Sea, were directed against the coalition

Spotlight on Iran (September 13 – 24, 2015)

At events held to mark the 35th anniversary of the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, senior Iranian officials repeatedly stressed Iran’s commitment to continuing its support of regional countries’ “struggle against terrorism.” Iran’s deputy foreign minister paid a visit to Moscow to discuss the ongoing crisis in Syria. In the meantime, senior Iranian officials continue

ISIS Media Campaign Attacks Muslims Fleeing Westward, Especially from Its Islamic Caliphate

In response to the wave of refugees fleeing to Europe, ISIS recently initiated a media campaign strongly criticizing Muslims emigrating from Syria, Libya, and by implication Iraq as well, to the West (Europe and the United States). To wage the campaign ISIS and its operatives and clerics have used its English- and Arabic-language media.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 10-21, 2015) *

As part of the pressure exerted by the Al-Nusra Front and ISIS on the Syrian Air Force’s military airbases, the Al-Nusra Front managed to take over the Abu al-Duhur military airbase, southeast of Idlib. The Al-Nusra Front published photos of Syrian fighter planes and a helicopter that allegedly fell into its hands. ISIS continues to