During the past year Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda leader, waged an intensive media campaign after a long silence.

Its primary objective was to inspire global jihad operatives to increase terrorist activities worldwide, to create internal pressure in the United States, Europe and Arab- Muslim regimes, and to promote “the liberation of Palestine” through jihad.

Hamas security forces exerted massive military power to confront the Dugmush clan and operatives of the Army of Islam, a network affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Hamas security forces exerted massive military power to confront the Dugmush clan and operatives of the Army of Islam, a network affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

Terrorism and Internet: Charges have recently been filed against an Israeli Bedouin, suspected of forming contact with Al-Qaeda through the Internet.

The suspect was planning to perpetrate terrorist attacks in Israel, mainly a suicide bombing attack at the Beersheba central bus station.

The Israel security forces recently detained six Israeli and East Jerusalem Arabs, some of them students.

They planned to set up an Al-Qaeda network and planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel, including downing the helicopter of the American president during his visit to Jerusalem.

Terrorism and Internet: charges have recently been filed against two Israeli Bedouins, members of the Islamic Movement.

They are suspected of acting on behalf of Al-Qaeda. They formed and maintained contact with Al-Qaeda through the Internet, based on their ideological affinity with radical Islam.

Terrorism and Internet: a US Senate report analyzes the extensive use made by Al-Qaeda of the Internet in its war for hearts and minds.

The report voices concerns over the exposure of American citizens to the websites of Al-Qaeda and other radical Islamic organizations.