Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man, again called upon Muslims to strike Jews in Israel and around the world

In an audio cassette appearing on Muslim Internet sites on April 2, 2008, Ayman al-Zawahiri, second to Osama bin Laden in command of Al-Qaeda, answered questions put to him by Islamic surfers.

YMCA library building in Gaza City blown up: another incident in a series of attacks on Western and Christian targets in the Gaza Strip by groups associated with the global jihad and radical Islam.

YMCA library building in Gaza City blown up: another incident in a series of attacks on Western and Christian targets in the Gaza Strip by groups associated with the global jihad and radical Islam. The Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip, does not put an end to the phenomenon.

A group called “Army of the Nation, Jerusalem” is yet another global jihad offshoot in the Gaza Strip

A group called “Army of the Nation, Jerusalem” is yet another global jihad offshoot in the Gaza Strip. Since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip, there has been an increase in the propaganda and terrorist activities carried out by radical Islamic groups associated with Al-Qaeda and the global jihad

Israeli Embassy attacked by gunmen in Mauritania.

The shots were apparently fired by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a branch of the global jihad. The attack was carried out on the background of Islamist pressures on Mauritania’s government to sever diplomatic relations with Israel.

The “Army of the Believers—the Al-Qaeda Organization in Palestine” has claimed responsibility for two attacks on the American International School in Gaza

The “Army of the Believers—the Al-Qaeda Organization in Palestine” has claimed responsibility for two attacks on the American International School in Gaza during President Bush’s visit to the Middle East. Other sites in the Gaza Strip associated with the US and Western culture have had to face similar problems

On the eve of President Bush’s visit to Israel, two rockets were fired from Lebanon on the Israeli town of Shlomi.

Furthermore, an explosive charge was activated against a UNIFIL force to the north of Sidon. It appears that these attacks were perpetrated by terrorist elements associated with the global jihad, and not by Hezbollah.