Ayman al-Zawahiri lashed out at the Hamas movement once again, accusing it of abandoning jihad and “selling Palestine” for seats in the Palestinian unity government.

Ayman al-Zawahiri lashed out at the Hamas movement once again, accusing it of abandoning jihad and “selling Palestine” for seats in the Palestinian unity government. Hamas spokesmen defended their political activity, stressing the continuing adherence of the movement to its radical principles, namely “resistance” and “jihad”, and non-recognition of Israel.

Argentina accuses Iran of responsibility for the Hezbollah terrorist attack

Argentina accuses Iran of responsibility for the Hezbollah terrorist attack which destroyed Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, 1994. The Argentinean Attorney General’s office announced it had found Iran responsible for the terrorist attack and an Argentinean judge issued arrest warrants for seven senior Iranians and one senior Hezbollah member

Hezbollah indoctrination for the younger generation: book and coloring books captured in the second Lebanon war designed to inculcate children and adolescents with the organization ideology

The themes are Hezbollah as Lebanon’s defender, justification for Hezbollah’s military actions against Israel, the importance of “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) and nurturing hatred for Israel and the Jewish people and identification with the Palestinians

For the first time, the Russian government released a list of what it considers to be 17 Islamic terrorist organizations, outlawed in Russia.

The list does not include the two most prominent Middle Eastern terrorist organizations, Hezbollah and Hamas, as the Russian government claims that they constitute no threat to Russian security, thus ignoring Hamas’s ideological association with and propaganda support of the Chechen separatists.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s deputy, released a video tape portraying the ongoing conflicts in Lebanon and in the Palestinian Authority as a “campaign waged by Crusaders and Zionists against Muslims”, and issued a warning to Israel.

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s deputy, appeared in a video tape released to the Al-Jazeera TV station (July 27), addressing for the first time the ongoing conflicts in Lebanon and in the Palestinian Authority. The tape shows Al-Zawahiri giving a speech against the backdrop of the burning World Trade Center, a reminder of Al-Qaeda’s September 11

Shamil Basayev, leader of the Chechen separatists was killed by the Russian security forces

Shamil Basayev, leader of the Chechen separatists and responsible for the Beslan school massacre, was killed by the Russian security forces.His organization is identified with Al-Qaeda and the global jihad. Hamas identifies with and is inspired by Chechen separatist ideology.