Organizations in the West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 10 – 16, 2017)

Syria - the fighting in Al-Raqqah is still bogged down, and the SDF forces are encountering fierce resistance. Iraq - the campaign to take over the city of Tal Afar from ISIS began, with the participation of the Iraqi army and the Iranian-affiliated Shiite militias (“the Popular Resistance”).

The Role of the Palestinians in the BDS Campaign

This study examines the role of Palestinian activists and networks in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip in the global BDS campaign being waged against Israel.

UN Committee on NGOs voted to grant the Palestinian Return Centre observer status, pending authorization.

UN Committee on NGOs voted to grant the Palestinian Return Centre observer status, pending authorization. The London-based PRC is affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and has played an important role in the campaign to delegitimize Israel.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Cooperation with European Anti-Israeli Networks: Freedom Flotilla Italia as a Case Study

In the campaign being waged to delegitimize Israel, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has contacts with pro-Palestinian and human rights networks in Western Europe, especially France and Italy.

Terrorism and human rights: Shawan Jabarin, human rights organization director and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist activist, recently visited France to participate in the anti-Israeli campaign.

Shawan Jabarin, human rights organization director and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist activist, recently visited France to participate in the anti-Israeli campaign. His visit was another example of the integration of PFLP operatives in the campaign to delegitimize Israel.

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