Other Arab Countries

The Hate Industry: children and adolescents in the Gaza Strip kiss the corpses of terrorist-operative martyrs (shaheeds).

The Hate Industry: children and adolescents in the Gaza Strip kiss the corpses of terrorist-operative martyrs (shaheeds). It is part of the indoctrination to hate Israel and of the shaheed cult popular in Palestinian Authority-administered territories

The Hate Industry: a children’s TV program on the Hamas Al-Aqsa channel aired a segment about cartoons created by popular cartoonist Omayya Joha.

The Hate Industry: a children’s TV program on the Hamas Al-Aqsa channel aired a segment about cartoons created by popular cartoonist Omayya Joha. Her cartoons contain messages of hatred against Israel, delegitimizing negotiations with Israel.

The hate industry: coarse anti-Semitic cartoons drawn by Palestinian cartoonist Alaa’ Allaqta appear regularly in Hamas’ newspaper, Felesteen, on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Website and in Saudi Arabian and Qatari newspapers.

The hate industry: coarse anti-Semitic cartoons drawn by Palestinian cartoonist Alaa’ Allaqta appear regularly in Hamas’ newspaper, Felesteen, on the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Website and in Saudi Arabian and Qatari newspapers. They are part of the propaganda campaign directed against Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the upcoming meeting in Annapolis.

Palestinian children playing with plastic weapons, copying the fighting methods of the terrorist organizations.

The games are part of the education they receive in hatred and violence against Israel. The toy weapons are very similar to real ones and playing with them is liable to endanger the children’s lives.

The hate industry: a review of anti-Semitic literature published in Egypt in recent years and sold at the Cairo International Book Fair.

Such literature, marketed from Egypt across the Arab and Muslim world, is designed to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish people, virtually justifying the use of violence against them.

The Internet in the service of terrorist organizations: the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Internet network and the service providers by which the organization is supported (updated to September 18, 2007).

The PIJ is a relatively small radical Islamic terrorist organization sponsored by Iran and Syria and directed by its headquarters in Damascus. At the present time the PIJ is the most prominent organization in launching rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel. Since 2005 it has taken dominance from Hamas in carrying out deadly suicide