Other Arab Countries

Broadcasts on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television channels: prominent radical Islamic figures from Jordan and Lebanon encourage suicide bombing attacks

Broadcasts on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar television channels: prominent radical Islamic figures from Jordan and Lebanon encourage suicide bombing attacks, call for the murder of Jews and Israelis and the destruction of the State of Israel, preach subversion of public order in Egypt and attack the Palestinian Authority

Anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement in the Syrian media accuse Israel, the Zionist movement and the Jewish people of responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai

The Syrian media coverage of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai was informative and without elaboration.

Reactions in the Arab and Muslim world to the terrorist attacks in Mumbai (Preliminary report)

At the level of political leadership, the Arab and Muslim world condemned the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and expressed solidarity with the Indian government, including terrorism-sponsoring countries like Iran and Syria.However, in commenting on the reasons for the terrorist attack, the Iranian and Syrian propaganda was quick to exploit the event to assail the United

Exporting the Iranian revolution to Lebanon:

Iran and Hezbollah operate an extensive network of cultural and religious institutions as well as publishing houses. This network is used to inculcate Lebanese society, primarily the Shi’ite community, with Iranian radical Islamic ideology.

Iran, Western Cinema and the Zionist Scheme

Since the advent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the struggle against Zionism and Israel has captured a central place in the regime’s ideology.

Initial reactions on the Palestinian scene to Barack Obama’s victory in the US presidential elections

The initial reactions of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian public in Judea and Samaria to Barack Obama’s victory were characterized by satisfaction, expectation of change, and expression of hope that the joint activity for the promotion of the peace process would continue.