Other Arab Countries

The Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World and Islamic Communities in Western Europe

This study is updates and supplements the ITIC’s June 2011 study of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Turkish organization IHH provides humanitarian assistance to the famine-stricken regions of Somalia.

In September its activists coordinated with Al-Shabaab, an organization affiliated with with the global jihad, without authorization from the Somali government, an example of IHH’s dual nature as both a humanitarian and an extremist Islamist organization.

Premeditated heckling attempts to disrupt a performance of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in London.

It was organized by the PSC, a radical leftist British network, which is a prominent factor in the campaign to boycott Israel in Britain (BDS).

The Palestinian Authority launched a propaganda campaign to support its appeal to the UN.

The campaign is intended to show internal Palestinian support for the move, strengthen international support and calm Israeli apprehensions (by downplaying the issue of the “right of return”). It will probably be reinforced by broad – and potentially violent – popular activities, even though the Palestinians aspire to contain the events. The appeal will be

Jerusalem Day events in Toronto were sponsored by a local Shi’ite organization and included anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and anti-American slogans.

On August 28 Jerusalem Day was marked in Toronto, Canada, with a rally in Queen’s Park.

Annual Jerusalem Day events organized by Iran and its proxies around the world again stressed hatred for Israel and the United States and support for Hezbollah and Hamas.

In the Arab and Western world, participation and media coverage were generally slight, contrary to Iranian expectations. In the West (especially Britain), the Iranians joined anti-Israeli organizations participating in the campaign to delegitimize Israel.