Other Arab Countries

ISIS: Portrait of a Jihadi Terrorist Organization

This study examines the nature of the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), an Islamic Salafist-jihadi terrorist organization founded a decade ago as a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. It established itself during the fighting against the United States in the Sunni regions of western Iraq and spread to eastern and northern Syria

At memorial ceremonies for Gazans killed in Operation Protective Edge, Mahmoud al-Zahar reiterated his vicious anti-Semitic theory, intended to justify attacks on Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel.

In September 2014 Mahmoud al-Zahar, a member of Hamas’ political bureau, gave speeches at two memorial ceremonies for Gazans killed in Operation Protective Edge, both broadcast by Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV. They had strong anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli themes.

The terrorist suspected of carrying out the shooting attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels has been identified as a French Muslim jihadist.

The terrorist suspected of carrying out the shooting attack at the Jewish Museum in Brussels has been identified as a French Muslim jihadist. The shooting attack indicates that the European response to the phenomenon of foreign fighters in Syria is still not sufficiently effective.

The Phenomenon of Foreign Fighters from the Arab World in the Syrian Civil War

The Phenomenon of Foreign Fighters from the Arab World in the Syrian Civil War, Most of Them Fighting in the Ranks of Organizations Affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Global Jihad

This year events were again held for Iranian-sponsored Jerusalem Day.

This year events were again held for Iranian-sponsored Jerusalem Day. Not well attended, they received scant media coverage. As in previous years, the events were exploited for propaganda and incitement against Israel, the United States and the West, with vague and explicit calls for the destruction of Israel.

The escalating anti-Shi’ite rhetoric from Sunni clerics belonging to different schools of thought reflects an agreement that the Shi’a is the enemy of the moment

The escalating anti-Shi’ite rhetoric from Sunni clerics belonging to different schools of thought reflects an agreement that the Shi’a is the enemy of the moment – one that is more pressing than the West and Israel.