Other Arab Countries

Terrorism and anti-Semitism: Hamas spokesman accuses the Jews of America’s financial crisis.

In the spirit of classic anti-Semitism, Jews are represented as behind every crisis anywhere in the world. The anti-Semitic incitement is part of Hamas’s methodical propaganda using myths from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Hezbollah uses its summer camps to indoctrinate youngsters with radical Shi’ite Islamic ideology, which includes: terrorist culture, hatred against Israel, Hassan Nasrallah’s personality cult, the glorification of Hezbollah’s martyrs.

The aim is to prepare the youngsters mentally for supporting Hezbollah and, in due course, for joining the organization.

Summer camps in the Gaza Strip run by Hamas and other terrorist organizations inculcate youngsters with radical Islamic ideology and the culture of terrorism.

Every year Hamas and other terrorist networks organize summer camps in the for Palestinians youngsters from the age of kindergarten to university. The camps indoctrinate them with radical Islamic ideology and the organizations’ culture of terrorism (“the resistance”). It is part of a continuing process, which begins in kindergarten and ends with university students, to

Reactions to the prisoner exchange deal:

Syria, Iran, Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority joined Hezbollah’s joyous propaganda campaign, strongly supported by the popular channel Al-Jazeera. On the other hand, the official government-controlled media of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabian played down the issue and in general refrained from praising Hezbollah

The Israel security forces recently detained six Israeli and East Jerusalem Arabs, some of them students.

They planned to set up an Al-Qaeda network and planned to carry out terrorist attacks in Israel, including downing the helicopter of the American president during his visit to Jerusalem.

Terrorism and Internet: charges have recently been filed against two Israeli Bedouins, members of the Islamic Movement.

They are suspected of acting on behalf of Al-Qaeda. They formed and maintained contact with Al-Qaeda through the Internet, based on their ideological affinity with radical Islam.