Other Arab Countries

The hate industry: Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial policy has turned into one of the controversial issues ahead of Iran’s presidential election.

Without acknowledging the true extent of the Holocaust, the president’s opponents claim that Holocaust denial has isolated Iran and compromised its interests.

The Hate Industry: the global spread of swine flu is used for anti-Semitic incitement across the Arab and Muslim world

The Hate Industry: the global spread of swine flu is used for anti-Semitic incitement across the Arab and Muslim world, targeting Jews and Zionists and accusing them of spreading the disease

The hate industry: Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV continues its crude anti-Semitic incitement, using The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and calling for the genocide of the Jews.

In addition, a book was seized during Operation Cast Lead, rife with anti-Semitism.

The hate industry: a selection of Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center bulletins in English, Hebrew, French, Russian and German written in recent years about contemporary Arab-Muslim anti-Semitism

The ITIC’s bulletins were issued in Hebrew and English, and some of them were translated into French, German and Russian. The selection, which appears on the ITIC’s website, exposes barely the tip of the anti-Semitic iceberg, which continues to grow and increase in strength, and which nourishes the hate industry against Israel and the Jewish

The hate industry: Hamas incorporates crude anti-Semitism into its battle for hearts and minds.

Recently a play was put on in Gaza whose Jewish characters claimed that they drank Muslim and Arab blood, recycling the ancient blood libel.

Anti-Semitism on Arab media

The popular Qatari TV channel Al-Jazeera is still used as a venue for blatant anti-Semitism. The reputable cleric Sheikh Yussuf al-Qardawi presents the conflict with Israel as a campaign between Islam and the Jews and says that Jews should be killed, citing a well-known Islamic tradition