Other Arab Countries

Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA): a pro-Hamas British organization based in Leicester which advocates Israel’s elimination.

The organization takes part in all aspects of the campaign to delegitimize Israel in Britain: boycotts of Israel, dissemination of anti-Israel propaganda, involvement in convoys and flotillas for the Gaza Strip, and anti-Israel demonstrations in London.

Jerusalem Day, marked on August 26 this year, is an annual Iranian-sponsored event in support of the Palestinian cause.

The Iranian regime expects extensive participation in events in Iran, the Arab-Muslim world and the West (including the United States and Britain). The events are traditionally exploited for anti-Israeli anti-West incitement.

BDS, an umbrella network striving to boycott Israel, is holding a global “Day of Action” in solidarity with the Palestinian “Land Day” on March 30.

BDS, an umbrella network striving to boycott Israel, is holding a global “Day of Action” in solidarity with the Palestinian “Land Day” on March 30. BDS links the boycott of Israel to the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, but without mentioning the uprisings in Iran, Syria and Libya.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and on the stated aim of establishing a world order based on Islamic religious law (a caliphate) on the ruins of Western liberalism.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and on the stated aim of establishing a world order based on Islamic religious law (a caliphate) on the ruins of Western liberalism. With extensive support networks in Arab countries and, to a lesser extent,

The Palestinian Return Centre:

London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in Israel. It promotes the demand of the Palestinian refugees to return as a way of destroying Israel. Senior PRC figures send flotillas and convoys to the Gaza Strip and transfer funds to Hamas.

The battle for the character of education in the Gaza Strip

Hamas and the PIJ repeatedly demand that UNRWA not teach about the Holocaust in its schools, claiming that it is a “fabricated, twisted history” that “poisons” the minds of young Palestinians and thus serves Israel’s interests.