Other Arab Countries

Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan delivered a hate-filled sermon calling for the “liberation of Palestine” through terrorism rather than through inter-Arab and international conferences.

Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan delivered a hate-filled sermon calling for the “liberation of Palestine” through terrorism rather than through inter-Arab and international conferences. Delivered two days after the Riyadh Summit, the sermon, which included a call to slaughter the Jews, was broadcasted on Palestinian television, controlled by Abu Mazen

Anti-Semitic expressions in the Syrian media as part of the false incitement campaign about the earthworks at the Mugrabim Ramp in Jerusalem.

This is yet another example of anti-Semitic incitement in Syrian government-controlled media. The Syrian regime makes no distinction between anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement.

A Palestinian disinformation campaign led by Hamas claims renovation work done at the Mugrabim ramp in Jerusalem is an Israeli attempt to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque.

The Palestinians once again try to use a sensitive religious topic to channel the growing internal Hamas-Fatah violence toward Israel and thus calm internal turmoil.

Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism: the Iranian media gave wide coverage to the Holocaust denial conference held in Cairo by marginal opposition parties.

On December 27, 2006, two weeks after Tehran hosted a Holocaust denial conference, a follow-up conference was held in Cairo, called “The lie of the [Jewish] Holocaust and the Arab Holocaust in Palestine.” It was organized by a number of marginal opposition parties headed by the Egyptian Arab Socialist Party, a pan-Arab Socialist party which

Holocaust denial as a tool of Iranian policy

On December 11 and 12, 2006, the Iranian regime hosted a conference dedicated to Holocaust denial, called the “International Conference on Review of the Holocaust: Global Vision.” Its intention was to give an international dimension to the false claim that the Holocaust of the Jewish people during the Second World War did not occur, or,

The hate industry: articles of anti-Semitic nature published in the Jordanian press over the past two months

A number of articles of anti-Semitic nature appeared in the Jordanian press in November-December 2006. Written by well-known publicists, the articles contained venomous attacks on Israel and the Jewish people.