Other Arab Countries

The hate industry. At Jerusalem Day, initiated by Iran and celebrated in the Arab-Muslim world and in London, calls were heard for the elimination of Israel.

World Jerusalem Day is celebrated every year by Iran, the terrorist organizations influenced by the Shi’ite communities in the Arab-Muslim world and even by Sunni Muslims in the Palestinian Authority and Turkey on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Iranian Islamic revolution, announced

Egypt continues as a center for the publication of crude anti-Semitic literature

The Arab hate industry: Egypt continues as a center for the publication of crude anti-Semitic literature encouraging hatred for Israel, the Jewish people and the West, and in effect justifying the use of violence against them

Hezbollah indoctrination for the younger generation: book and coloring books captured in the second Lebanon war designed to inculcate children and adolescents with the organization ideology

The themes are Hezbollah as Lebanon’s defender, justification for Hezbollah’s military actions against Israel, the importance of “resistance” (i.e., terrorism) and nurturing hatred for Israel and the Jewish people and identification with the Palestinians

Jews are silent. Again.

In the welter of criticism directed at the war in Lebanon, one question has not been asked: why has there been nothing about the intolerable hate propaganda swamping the Arab-Muslim world, led – again – by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

The Arab hate industry

Lebanon is still a center for the distribution of anti-Semitic literature, including books by Hezbollah’s publishing house. Such literature, distributed across the Arab and Muslim world, inspires hatred against Israel and the Jewish people and may legitimize violence against them.

Rabid anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement on Hamas-owned media

The Hamas movement places a great deal of importance on the campaign over public opinion. It therefore allocates many resources in manpower and funds towards the operation of various media the contents of which it controls (newspapers, television, radio, Internet). These media assist Hamas in spreading its militant messages, preaching terrorism and hatred against Israel,