Other Arab Countries

The hate industry – Syria as a source for the distribution of anti-Semitic literature

Syria as a source for the distribution of anti-Semitic literature: while the Syrian regime fans protest demonstrations due to the publication of the cartoons which hurt Muslims’ feelings, Syria continues to export anti-Semitic books to the Arab and Muslim world. These books are meant to inspire hatred against Jews, portray them as infidels, and lay

Ismail Haniyeh Portrait of the Hamas candidate for Palestinian prime minister

On February 21, 2006, Abu Mazen, the Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman, instructed Ismail Haniyeh, who led the Hamas faction to a sweeping victory in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections, to form, for the first time in the PA’s history, a Hamas-led government. The following is a portrait of Ismail Haniyeh, probably the PA’s next Prime

Filastin al-Muslimah, a Hamas monthly distributed from the UK, continues to incite to terrorism, mainly suicide bombing terrorism

Filastin al-Muslimah, a Hamas monthly distributed from the UK, continues to incite to terrorism, mainly suicide bombing terrorism. At the same time, it disseminates messages denying Israel’s existence and expressing sympathy for global jihad elements.

Monitoring anti-Semitic publications issued in the Arab countries

Two anti-Semitic books published in Egypt in 2005 preach hatred of the Jewish people, the state of Israel and the Zionist movement (with no distinctions made between the three) and provide religious Islamic sanction for violence against them

Anti-Semitism in the Egyptian media as a follow-up to the anti-Semitic remarks made by the Iranian president

On December 8, 2005, Iranian president Ahmadinejad, in an interview in Al-‘Alam TV, made blatantly anti-Semitic remarks, slandering Israel and the Jewish people. He denied the Holocaust and said there was no legitimacy for the State of Israel’s being the national home of the Jewish people.