Other Arab Countries

Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan delivered a hate-filled sermon calling for the “liberation of Palestine” through terrorism rather than through inter-Arab and international conferences.

Hamas spokesman Ismail Radwan delivered a hate-filled sermon calling for the “liberation of Palestine” through terrorism rather than through inter-Arab and international conferences. Delivered two days after the Riyadh Summit, the sermon, which included a call to slaughter the Jews, was broadcasted on Palestinian television, controlled by Abu Mazen

Anti-Semitic expressions in the Syrian media as part of the false incitement campaign about the earthworks at the Mugrabim Ramp in Jerusalem.

This is yet another example of anti-Semitic incitement in Syrian government-controlled media. The Syrian regime makes no distinction between anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement.

A Palestinian disinformation campaign led by Hamas claims renovation work done at the Mugrabim ramp in Jerusalem is an Israeli attempt to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque.

The Palestinians once again try to use a sensitive religious topic to channel the growing internal Hamas-Fatah violence toward Israel and thus calm internal turmoil.

Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism: the Iranian media gave wide coverage to the Holocaust denial conference held in Cairo by marginal opposition parties.

On December 27, 2006, two weeks after Tehran hosted a Holocaust denial conference, a follow-up conference was held in Cairo, called “The lie of the [Jewish] Holocaust and the Arab Holocaust in Palestine.” It was organized by a number of marginal opposition parties headed by the Egyptian Arab Socialist Party, a pan-Arab Socialist party which