Other Arab Countries

The Hate Industry: a blatantly anti-Semitic series which incorporates The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has recently been shown on an Iranian TV channel.

The series is yet another example of Iran’s deliberate use of anti-Semitism as a political-strategic weapon designed to promote its national objectives.

Terrorism and Internet:

Hamas has recently upgraded the website of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, its military-terrorist wing. Upgrading the website, which incites to hatred and anti-Israeli terrorism, reflects the importance Hamas places on its website network as a central component in the battle for hearts and minds.

The UK University and College Union’s double moral standards

At its annual conference on May 28, 2008, the University and College Union, the largest trade union of academics and related staff in the UK, proposed a vote to reintroduce an academic boycott of Israel. The proposed motion asked members “to consider the moral and political implications of educational links with Israeli institutions, and to

An increase in attacks on Christian and institutions identified with the West in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas, which controls the radical Islamic entity in the Strip, pays lip-service to condemning the attacks but does not take effective steps to stop them.

The hate industry: the Jordanian press continues to publish anti-Semitic articles.

One article accuses Jews of using the blood of Christian children for ritual purposes. The article is meant to support virulent propaganda against Israel, which is accused of deliberately murdering Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

Nakba Day events in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip (as of May 14, 2008)

As Israel celebrated its 60th anniversary, Nakba Day was marked in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories to commemorate what they Palestinians call the “catastrophe” visited upon them with the establishment of the State of Israel.