Other Arab Countries

Portrait of Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi, senior Sunni Muslim cleric, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi is a central figure affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. He was expelled from Egypt and found refuge in Qatar, and operates from there throughout the Muslim world.

An extensive anti-Israeli propaganda campaign called “Israeli Apartheid Week” will take place across Europe and North America in March 2011.

An extensive anti-Israeli propaganda campaign called “Israeli Apartheid Week” will take place across Europe and North America in March 2011. Going back to the Durban Conference (2001), it aims to brand Israel as a racist state that should be boycotted until its collapse as happened with the South African apartheid regime.

Germany banned the distribution of the anti-Israeli movie “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine,” which was supposed to premiere on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

After the Turkish company appealed, the movie was limited to audiences 18 years old and older. Other European countries are considering banning the movie.

A Turkish anti-Israeli film titled Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (to be released on January 28) portrays the Mavi Marmara incident as a premeditated attack by the IDF on innocent people.

A Turkish anti-Israeli film titled Valley of the Wolves: Palestine (to be released on January 28) portrays the Mavi Marmara incident as a premeditated attack by the IDF on innocent people. Germany protested the screening of the film in its territory and the timing chosen for its premiere (Holocaust Remembrance Day).