
Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 23-29, 2021)

Afghanistan: ISIS continued its attacks against the Taliban forces and government institutions. The climax of its activity this week was the detonation. Syria: The downtrend in ISIS’s activity continued. Most of ISIS’s activity this week focused on the Deir ez-Zor-Al-Mayadeen region, targeting the Kurdish SDF forces. Iraq: This week, there was a significant decrease in ISIS’s activity. Africa: Most of ISIS’s activity this week focused on Nigeria, Congo and Mozambique. The battle for hearts and minds: This week’s lead article in ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to a review of the legacy of ISIS’s leaders since ISIS’s inception, and their role as leaders of the Islamic nation in implementing Sharia and carrying out jihad against the “infidels.”

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 16-22, 2021)

This week, there was a slight decrease in the scope of ISIS’s activity compared to last week. Most of ISIS’s activity this week focused on Iraq. Afghanistan: ISIS continued its activity, targeting mainly Taliban members and Shiite residents. Syria: This week, there was a decrease in ISIS's activity. Iraq: This week, the epicenter of activity was in the Diyala Province. The Sinai Peninsula: Two ISIS commanders were killed in a joint operation by the Egyptian army and the Sinai Tribal Union in the Al-Ajraa region south of Rafah. The battle for hearts and minds: The editorial in this week's issue of ISIS’s Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to the survival of the Islamic State, four years after the member countries of the Global Coalition to defeat ISIS announced that it had been eliminated.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 8-14, 2021)

Afghanistan: ISIS continued its activity in Afghanistan this week. The activity targeted mainly Taliban forces and the Shiite population. Syria: The downtrend in ISIS’s activity continued. Most of the attacks this week targeted the Kurdish SDF forces in the Deir ez-Zor-Al-Mayadeen region. Seven Syrian soldiers and militiamen were killed in an attack against a post in the Al-Masrab Desert, northwest of Deir ez-Zor. Iraq: ISIS concentrated its activity against the Iraqi security forces, mainly in the Kirkuk and Diyala provinces. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in this week's issue of Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to ISIS operatives’ revenge on infidels and those who deviate from the path of Islam. By way of example, the article describes ISIS’s activity against the Yazidis in Syria and the Shiites in Iraq. The author even quotes passages from the Quran which, in his opinion, legitimize this behavior on ISIS’s part.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 2-8, 2021)

This week there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity around the world. ISIS carried out noteworthy attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Sinai Peninsula and Nigeria. Afghanistan: ISIS continued its attacks, mainly against the Taliban forces. Syria: ISIS carried out noteworthy attacks in the desert region against militias and forces supporting the Syrian army. Iraq: ISIS concentrated on attacks against the Kurdish Peshmerga forces. The Sinai Peninsula: ISIS operatives carried out a number of attacks against the Egyptian army and the forces supporting it. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in Al-Naba’ weekly was devoted to ISIS’s interpretation of the recent events in Sudan.

Spotlight on Iran (December 2, 2021 – December 9, 2021)

For the first time since Ebrahim Raisi assumed the position of President of Iran, the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faysal Miqdad, arrived for a two-day visit in Iran. Against the backdrop of the visit of the Iranian minister of industry and trade in Syria and the opening of the Iranian trade fair in Damascus in late November, senior Iranian officials working in the economic sphere renewed their call to solve the issues hindering the expansion of trade ties between the two countries.

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (December 1-7, 2021)

This past week three terrorist attacks were carried out, a vehicular ramming attack at the Te'enim Crossing and two stabbing attacks, one near the Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem and the other at the al-Jib border crossing. Two Israelis were injured. On December 1, 2021, two Israeli civilians lost their way and drove into Palestinian Authority territory, arriving at Menara Square in the center of Ramallah. The Gaza Strip: Several media outlets reported that according to "Hamas sources," in view of the Egyptian delay in activities for rebuilding the Gaza Strip, Hamas and other Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip informed Egypt it had until the end of the year to begin the process, threatening that otherwise they would gradually escalate their activities against Israel, beginning the following week. In the meantime, Hamas administrative employees began receiving their salaries.


Syria is a central factor in the Arab-Israeli conflict and has been in conflict with the State of Israel since its establishment. Syria’s basic position rejects the Zionist idea and views the State of Israel as a foreign element that must be uprooted. Since its establishment, Syria has led the political and military struggle against pre-state Israel and the State of Israel. Syria is demanding that Israel give up its control over an area of about 1,200 square kilometers in the Golan Heights, which was occupied by Israel in 1967. In view of its profound hostility to Israel, Syria has supported the Palestinian terrorist organizations and Hezbollah for many years. Syria was designated as a terrorism-supporting state by the US State Department back in 1979.  

Despite repeated attempts since the early 1990s to reach a peace agreement with Syria, an official state of war still exists between it and Israel. These relations have been influenced by the involvement of elements such as the Soviet Union and Iran, Syria’s relations with other Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon) and its relations with the Palestinians. These relations have also been influenced by the fact that Syria perceives Israel’s territory as part of what it calls Greater Syria.

Since early 2011, there has been a civil war in Syria between President Bashar Assad and the forces loyal to him, and rebel organizations with various ideologies and political orientation. The civil war has led to the destruction of the country’s infrastructure, the removal of Syria from the Arab League, and tension in its relations with Sunni countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey). Syria’s relations with the United States and Western countries have also deteriorated. On the other hand, the Syrian regime is supported by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, and by Shiite militias supported by Iran.