
Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 22-28, 2016)

The city of Aleppo is now under full control of the Syrian forces, with the assistance of a Russian Military Police battalion which arrived in the city. This week, there were no significant changes in the fighting in Mosul’s eastern neighborhoods. The perpetrator of the vehicular attack in the Christmas Market in Berlin was discovered

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 15-21, 2016)

Two mass-casualty terrorist attacks, in Jordan and Germany, were the most prominent this week. In Germany, twelve people were killed in a vehicular attack at a Christmas market in downtown Berlin. In Jordan, ten people (civilians and security personnel) were killed. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks. This week, civilians and rebel organization operatives were

Following the campaign for Mosul, ISIS has been highly motivated to carry out terrorist attacks around the globe.

Following the campaign for Mosul, ISIS has been highly motivated to carry out terrorist attacks around the globe. Despite several “successes,” so far ISIS has not succeeded in creating a chain reaction of attacks that would detract attention from its growing difficulties in Iraq and Syria.

Spotlight on Iran* (December 4 – 18, 2016)

Iran welcomed the fall of the Syrian city of Aleppo to the forces of President Bashar Assad. The deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) declared the liberation of Aleppo was the first step in the victory of “the army of Islam” against the West, and said he hoped that in the near

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 8-14, 2016)

The Syrian forces, with Russian air support, are gradually completing the takeover of east Aleppo from the rebel organizations. The rebel forces collapsed, even though they are still holding on to a small territory in the middle of the city.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 1-7, 2016)

The Libyan Government of National Accord announced that the Sirte had been liberated although sporadic exchanges of fire still continue. In Aleppo, the Syrian forces continued to retake additional neighborhoods, in the southeastern part of the city. No significant progress has been achieved this week in the campaign for Mosul, due to ISIS’s stubborn.


Syria is a central factor in the Arab-Israeli conflict and has been in conflict with the State of Israel since its establishment. Syria’s basic position rejects the Zionist idea and views the State of Israel as a foreign element that must be uprooted. Since its establishment, Syria has led the political and military struggle against pre-state Israel and the State of Israel. Syria is demanding that Israel give up its control over an area of about 1,200 square kilometers in the Golan Heights, which was occupied by Israel in 1967. In view of its profound hostility to Israel, Syria has supported the Palestinian terrorist organizations and Hezbollah for many years. Syria was designated as a terrorism-supporting state by the US State Department back in 1979.  

Despite repeated attempts since the early 1990s to reach a peace agreement with Syria, an official state of war still exists between it and Israel. These relations have been influenced by the involvement of elements such as the Soviet Union and Iran, Syria’s relations with other Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon) and its relations with the Palestinians. These relations have also been influenced by the fact that Syria perceives Israel’s territory as part of what it calls Greater Syria.

Since early 2011, there has been a civil war in Syria between President Bashar Assad and the forces loyal to him, and rebel organizations with various ideologies and political orientation. The civil war has led to the destruction of the country’s infrastructure, the removal of Syria from the Arab League, and tension in its relations with Sunni countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey). Syria’s relations with the United States and Western countries have also deteriorated. On the other hand, the Syrian regime is supported by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, and by Shiite militias supported by Iran.