
Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 5-12, 2019)

About a month after the start of the Syrian army offensive in the Idlib region, the rebel groups, led by the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham, mounted a counterattack. In Iraq Terrorist and guerrilla activity continued in the various provinces. The main event of the week in ISIS’s provinces outside Syria and Iraq was an attack by ISIS’s Sinai Province on an Egyptian police checkpoint in southern Al-Arish. The "routine" activity in ISIS’s other provinces around the world continued.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 30 – June 4, 2019)

The Syrian arena: The momentum of the Syrian army’s ground operation in the Idlib area resumed after a week of no progress. This week, ISIS carried out a wave of attacks accompanied by a media campaign entitled the Raids of Attrition. In the Iraqi arena this week, there was an increase in the volume of ISIS’s activity in the various provinces, which was manifested in the activation of IEDs, the detonation of car bombs, targeted killings and sniper fire.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 23-29, 2019)

In the Syrian arena, the Syrian army offensive in the Idlib region appears to have lost momentum. In the Iraqi arena, ISIS’s intensive terror and guerrilla activity in the various provinces continued.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 16-22, 2019)

In the Syrian arena, the Syrian army offensive in the Idlib region continued, with Russian air support. However, on the ground, the Syrian offensive has encountered difficulties in light of the fierce fighting by the rebel organizations. In Iraq and in ISIS’s provinces around the world, “routine” activity continued: in Iraq, activity continued in the form of IEDs being detonated against moving vehicles on the roads

Spotlight on Iran (May 5- 19, 2019)

Iran recently began implementing a more aggressive policy against the United States and Iran’s regional rivals. A combative policy in Gaza of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Organization, Iran’s preferred proxy, which recently orchestrated an escalatory round in the Gaza Strip, the worse since the 2014 conflict. In the latest escalation in Gaza, Iran’s involvement could also be detected, through the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 8-15, 2019)

This week, the main event in the Syrian arena was a ground offensive by the Syrian army in the Idlib region. Concurrently with the fighting, attempts were made in the diplomatic arena to prevent the continuation of the attack and the massive harm to civilians. The usual activity of ISIS’s various provinces and regions around the globe continued