
Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 12-17, 2018)

With the takeover of the city of Duma and the evacuation of the last fighters from its territory, the Syrian army effectively completed the takeover of eastern Al-Ghouta. Now the Syrian army and the forces supporting it are shifting the center of operations to the Al-Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Damascus. In Iraq, the security forces continued to operate against a number of areas where pockets of ISIS operatives remained. The Egyptian security forces, which have been working for around two months to eradicate the presence of ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula, suffered losses in an attempt by ISIS operatives to infiltrate one of the army bases in Sinai.

Spotlight on Iran (March 29 – April 15, 2018)

Seven Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) cadres, including a senior commander with the rank of colonel in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operation of the IRGC, were killed last week in an airstrike on the Syrian Air Force Base T-4. Bolstering of the Iran-Russia axis: Iran and Russia held discussions on the escalation in Syria. Iran stood by Syria following the chemical weapons attack on Douma by the Assad regime, and the United States’ threat to respond militarily to this attack. in a meeting with representatives of the electoral bloc formed by leaders of some of the Shi’ite pro-Iranian militias ahead of the elections. The Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohammed Javad Zarif, held a phone call with the Head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, against the backdrop of the “Marches of Return” in Gaza. Zarif emphasized to Haniyeh Iran’s support for the Palestinians

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 29 – April 11, 2018)

The Syrian army continued to attack the rebel organizations in the city of Duma, their last significant stronghold in eastern Al-Ghouta. Meanwhile, the Syrian army is about to complete its takeover of eastern Al-Ghouta. Recently, there have been more and more reports of the US intention to withdraw its troops from Syria

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 22-28, 2018)

The Syrian forces took control of most of eastern Al-Ghouta and are completing its takeover from the rebel organizations. In the north, the Turkish army and the Syrian forces supporting it are completing the takeover of the Afrin enclave. In addition to the fighting being waged by ISIS in Syria and Iraq, its supporters abroad continue to carry out ISIS-inspired attacks in Western countries, proving that the jihadi ideology and the ISIS brand are still highly attractive.

Spotlight on Iran (March 18 – March 28, 2018)

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, used his annual speech on the occasion of the Iranian New Year (Nowruz) to justify, once again, Iran’s regional involvement. The growing dissatisfaction in Iran due to the obstacles placed by Baghdad and Damascus, which are frustrating Tehran’s efforts to cement its economic influence in those countries, has now manifested in Friday sermons as well. Tehran continues to apprehensively monitor the improvement in relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia against the backdrop of the looming visit of the Saudi crown prince to Baghdad.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 15-21, 2018)

In eastern Al-Ghouta, the Syrian army continued to attack the three enclaves of the rebel groups, whose territory is shrinking. According to Syrian sources, around 75% of the area of eastern Al-Ghouta has been taken over by the Syrian Army. On March 18, 2018, Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan announced that the Turkish army and the Syrian forces cooperating with it had completed the takeover of the city of Afrin, in northwestern Syria. Kurdish fighters from the SDF forces have moved from the lower Euphrates Valley to the enclave of Afrin in order to take part in the fighting against the Turkish army.