
Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 8-14, 2018)

The Syrian forces continued to mop up the rural areas east of the Hama-Aleppo Highway, as part of the campaign to take over the Idlib area. In the eastern sector of the Euphrates River, north of Albukamal, clashes continued between SDF operatives (with Coalition air support) and ISIS operatives. ISIS has apparently returned to high-level operational capability in this sector, while the SDF fighters are finding it hard to provide a suitable response to the intensive guerrilla operations that ISIS is carrying out against them. In the Deir ez-Zor area, there was a violent confrontation between the SDF forces (with Coalition air support) and a Syrian tribal militia force operating on behalf of the Syrian regime.

Iranian Responses to Growing Tensions with Israel and an Initial Assessment of Their Implications from an Iranian Standpoint

The initial public statement from Iran with regards to these extraordinary security developments in Israel’s northern front reflect an Iranian effort to play down its role in the events; display a united front between Iran, Syria and Hezbollah vis-à-vis Israel; present the downing of the Israeli jet as a success of the “Resistance Front” and as a change of the rules of the game regarding the continuation of Israeli violations of Syrian sovereignty. This is will be expounded on below.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 1-7, 2018)

The Syrian forces continued their campaign to take over the Idlib Province, the most significant stronghold of the rebel organizations headed by the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham. A Russian Sukhoi 25 plane was shot down in the area of Idlib. In the area between Albukamal and Deir ez-Zor, east of the Euphrates River, ISIS is conducting intensive guerrilla activity against the SDF forces.

Spotlight on Iran (January 21 – February 4, 2018)

Tehran is clearly concerned about the intention of the United States administration to maintain an American armed force in the region in the day after the final defeat of the Islamic State. The statement made by the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, following his meeting with the Russian President Putin about Iran’s activities in Syria and Lebanon gained widespread coverage in Iranian media.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (January 25-31, 2018)

In Syria, the fighting continued in the various arenas. In the area of the Abu Ad-Duhur military airbase, clashes continued between the Syrian forces and operatives of the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and ISIS (separately). In eastern Syria, ISIS continues to wage guerrilla warfare against the Kurdish-dominated SDF forces east of the Euphrates River, north of Albukamal. In Afghanistan, intensive terror and guerrilla activity continues on the part of ISIS's Khorasan Province and the Taliban.

ISIS’s Media Network in the Era after the Fall of the Islamic State

This study analyzes ISIS's media network in view of rise and the fall of the Islamic State and to an essential change in ISIS's nature (the transition from the Islamic State to a terrorist organization). The loss of territories and resources, which accelerated in 2017, struck a hard blow to ISIS's media network.