
Spotlight on Iran (December 24, 2017 – January 7, 2018)

The protests that erupted in Iran in late December brought to the surface, once again, the internal public criticism surrounding the immense investments of the Iranian regime outside of its borders. Following the failure of the referendum initiative in Iraqi Kurdistan, Iran is moving to restore normality in its activities in northern Iraq. In the Palestinian arena, Iran is increasing its support for Hamas.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 28, 2017 – January 3, 2018)

In Syria, clashes continued in the eastern part of the Idlib Province between the Syrian forces and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham. In ISIS’s provinces abroad and in other countries, attacks by ISIS operatives or those who identify with ISIS (ISIS-inspired attacks) continue. In ISIS’s provinces abroad and in other countries, attacks by ISIS operatives or those who identify with ISIS (ISIS-inspired attacks) continue.

The Movement of the Noble Ones (harakat al-nujaba)

The Movement of the Noble Ones (harakat al-nujaba) [henceforth "the Noble Ones"] is an Iraqi Shi'ite militia established in 2013 by Sheikh Akram al-Kaabi. The sheikh had close relations with Iran during his extensive guerrilla attacks against the American forces when they were in Iraq. Ostensibly the Noble Ones are subordinate to the "popular mobilization,"

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 21-27, 2017)

In Syria, battles continue between the Syrian forces and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham, as part of the campaign to liberate Idlib. In Afghanistan, the series of attacks in ISIS’s Khorasan Province (Afghanistan/Pakistan) continued. This week, ISIS announced the establishment of its Kashmir Province in India, as part of the ultimate goal of establishing an Islamic Caliphate in the Indian subcontinent.

Spotlight on Iran (December 10- December 24, 2017)

Against the backdrop of the defeat of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Iranian officials continue to highlight Tehran’s success in utilizing the campaign,Meanwhile, there are increasing calls in Iran to exploit the country’s growing political and military clout to increase its economic influence in the region. In the Iraqi arena, Iran is working to thwart any effort to undermine the standing of the Shi’ite militias supported by it.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 14-20, 2017)

Following President Putin’s announcement about the removal of a “substantial portion” of the Russian forces in Syria, the evacuation process began this week. In the campaign for the takeover of Idlib, battles continued between the Syrian forces and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham in the area northeast of Hama. Abroad, ISIS’s terrorist campaign continued, with noteworthy attacks in the Khorasan Province (Afghanistan/Pakistan).