
Iran in the Post-Islamic State Era: Aims, Opportunities and Challenges Updated Review

In Syria and Iraq, the gradual collapse of the Islamic State, established in Iraq and Syria, has come to an end. Following the conclusion of this process of disintegration, ISIS has returned to its “natural state” of a jihadist terror organization, which does not need to administer or protect a state with territorial borders.

Spotlight on Iran (November 12 – 26, 2017)

On November 21, following the capture of the city of Albu Kamal in Syria and Rawa in Iraq from ISIS, Iran declared “victory” in the campaign against the organization in Syria and Iraq. Senior Iranian officials and Iranian media outlets claimed that the victory against ISIS thwarted the conspiracy of the United States and its allies to establish “a new Middle East,” intended to serve the interests of the West and Israel.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 16-22, 2017)

This week marked the end of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, which was declared by ISIS’s leader on June 29, 2014. The Islamic State has collapsed, but ISIS continues to exist as a terrorist and guerrilla organization in Syria, Iraq and abroad. Over the past two months, ISIS’s Khorasan Province (Afghanistan/Pakistan) has carried out four mass-casualty suicide bombing attacks in the capital Kabul.

Combined ISIS Suicide Bombing at the Military Airfield in Deir al-Zor – Additional Indication of ISIS Remaining Military Capabilities after the Fall of the Islamic State

On November 13, 2017, ISIS carried out a well-planned, daring combined suicide attack at the military airfield in Deir al-Zor. There were between five and eight suicide bombers, who came from the desert region of Abu Kamal and entered the airfield dressed in Russian army uniforms.

The Collapse of the Islamic State: What Comes Next?

On the ground, the Islamic State no longer exists as a functioning territorial entity. It has lost almost all of its territories, including its "capital cities" of Mosul and Raqqa, as well as its core territories along the Euphrates in Iraq and Syria. Apparently, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's vision of an Islamic Caliphate has come to an end, at least for the time being, although ISIS still maintains a presence in Syria and Iraq, and will continue to exist.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (November 9-15, 2017)

In the city of Albukamal, a fierce battle is being waged over the last stronghold of the Islamic State in Syria The Iraqi army, which liberated the city of Al-Qaim and the surrounding villages. Russia, the United States, and Jordan have signed a Memorandum of Principles (November 8, 2017). Moreover, the Memorandum of Principles deals with southwestern Syria and does not mention the removal of foreign forces from Syria.