
Spotlight on Iran* (March 26 – April 9, 2017)

During the past two weeks at least eight Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) fighters were killed in the region of Hama. Iran condemned the chemical weapons attack on Idlib, Syria. A senior Iranian foreign ministry official, interviewed by an Iranian diplomatic website, said Iran did not have a Syrian exit strategy.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 30 – April 5, 2017)

The pressure on ISIS in Iraq and Syria is increasing: Following the takeover of the Tabqa Dam and the airfield to its south, SDF forces operating with American support advanced to the city of Tabqa. After several weeks of fighting, the Syrian forces took over the town of Deir Hafer. Fighting in west Mosul continues

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 23-29, 2017)

In Al-Raqqah and Mosul, ISIS continues to lose territory and undergoes increasing pressure. In Al-Raqqah:, the SDF forces, with US support, took over the Tabqa Dam, which supplies electricity and water to most of the residents in the Euphrates Basin. In Mosul: The attacking forces continue to take over neighborhoods in the center of Mosul’s

Spotlight on Iran* (March 12 – 26, 2017)

The political deputy commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) rejected reports that Iran was planning to construct a naval base in Latakia, Syria. Mahmoud Alavi, Iranian minister of intelligence, said Iran had sent equipment to Syria to collect information about terrorists operating in the country. Iran strongly condemned the Israeli attack in Syria

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 16-22, 2017)

The main focus of the fighting in Syria this week was an attack on several neighborhoods in eastern Damascus by the rebel organizations. While ISIS is becoming weaker and is on the strategic defensive, Fateh al-Sham Front, the rival jihadi organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda, is becoming stronger and is participating in offensive initiatives in Damascus,

The head of the Iranian Martyrs Foundation admits that 2,100 fighters sent by Iran to Syria and Iraq have been killed so far

In a conference held on March 6, 2017, to commemorate the Martyr Day in Tehran, the head of the Martyrs Foundation Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad Ali Shahidi said that the number of fatalities among the fighters sent by Iran to Syria and Iraq had reached 2,100 (Mehr, March 6, 2017).