
Senior Hamas figures publicly call for the opening of new fronts in the next campaign against Israel, with an emphasis on carrying out attacks from Lebanese territory

Senior Hamas officials recently emphasized the need to open new fronts against Israel in the next round of fighting, from all the Arab countries bordering on it, including from those that are far from its borders.

Spotlight on the Global Jihad (February 26 – March 4, 2015)

In early March 2015, the Iraqi Army launched an offensive to recapture the important city of Tikrit. Battles are still raging. According to US Army sources, the attack on the city of Mosul, scheduled for the spring of 2015, has been postponed for several months. In the province of Al-Hasakah, northeastern Syria, Kurdish forces (YPG)

The International Coalition Campaign against ISIS – Initial Analysis* (First Six Months)

On September 10, 2014, American President Barack Obama announced the launching of a comprehensive campaign against ISIS aimed to “degrade and ultimately destroy” it. The campaign strategy had several aspects: intensive airstrikes in Syria and Iraq; strengthening local forces in Syria and Iraq (the Iraqi army, the Kurdish forces, the so-called moderate Syrian rebel organizations);

Spotlight on the Global Jihad (February 19-25, 2015)

This week, there were no significant changes in the various combat zones in Iraq and Syria. YPG’s Kurdish forces continue to repel ISIS from the rural area of Kobani. Turkey evacuated a Turkish enclave in Syrian territory located about 35 km south of the Turkish-Syrian border. ISIS, which is establishing its presence in Libya, used

Spotlight on the Global Jihad (February 12-18, 2015)

The main events this past week were the shooting attacks in Copenhagen, carried out by the same terrorist. In Libya ISIS continues to strengthen its foothold. In a showcase massacre in the “Tripoli province” of the Islamic State in Libya, 21 Egyptian Coptic immigrant workers were abducted and beheaded on a beach. In Syria and

Spotlight on Global Jihad (February 5-11, 2015)

Following the murder of the Jordanian pilot, the Royal Jordanian Air Force carried out intensive airstrikes against ISIS targets in both Syria and Iraq (up to now, the Jordanians have only carried out airstrikes in Syria). ISIS claimed that one of the Jordanian airstrikes killed a female American aid worker who was in its hands.