
Hamas evacuates its Syrian external headquarters: overview and initial analysis

In view of the instability of Bashar Assad’s regime, Hamas has begun evacuating its Syrian external headquarters. According to media reports, most of Hamas’ activists have already left Syria.

Ahmed Jibril’s organization (PFLP-GC) blamed the PA, Fatah, and Saudi Arabia for the violent clashes in Al-Yarmuk refugee camp.

Ahmed Jibril’s organization (PFLP-GC) blamed the PA, Fatah, and Saudi Arabia for the violent clashes in Al-Yarmuk refugee camp. The PA and Fatah strongly condemned Jibril’s “crimes”, while PA media blamed the Syrian regime for the incident. Hamas, recognizing its dependence on Syria, tried to play both sides of the fence.

Following the Naksa Day events, there was strong internal Palestinian criticism of Ahmed Jibril’s organization (PFLP-GC), affiliated with the Syrian regime, and of other pro-Syrian organizations.

They were blamed for cynically sending young Palestinians to their deaths to serve the interests of the Syrian and other regimes (possibly Iran). PFLP-GC and PFLP-Habash operatives were attacked by relatives of the slain Palestinians during funerals held in Al-Yarmukh refugee camp near Damascus. The PFLP-GC headquarters were torched.

The main theme of the various Nakba Day events was the Palestinian refugees’ return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel.

The main theme of the various Nakba Day events was the Palestinian refugees’ return to the 1948 territories and the destruction of the State of Israel. Clinging to the refugees’ return is central to Hamas’ strategy, backed by Iran and Hezbollah and supported by Palestinians in the territories and abroad.

The Hate Industry: Strong anti-Semitic propaganda employing the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a recent radio broadcast from Damascus.

Harsh anti-Israeli incitement with anti-Semitic themes consistently appears in the Syrian media.

Anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement in the Syrian media accuse Israel, the Zionist movement and the Jewish people of responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai

The Syrian media coverage of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai was informative and without elaboration.