
Syria’s historic decision to establish diplomatic relations with Lebanon and an analysis of its implications

On October 14, 2008, Syrian president Bashar Assad issued Decree No 358, ordering the establishment of diplomatic relations between Syria and Lebanon, and the opening of a Syrian embassy in Lebanon (Syrian News Agency, October 14, 2008).

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly admits that his organization is rearming and secretly transporting arms to south Lebanon, in blatant violation of Security Council Resolution 1701.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly admits that his organization is rearming and secretly transporting arms to south Lebanon, in blatant violation of Security Council Resolution 1701. Nasrallah sends a clear message to his opponents: Hezbollah is determined to maintain its status as “the defender of Lebanon”.

Anti-Semitic expressions in the Syrian media as part of the false incitement campaign about the earthworks at the Mugrabim Ramp in Jerusalem.

This is yet another example of anti-Semitic incitement in Syrian government-controlled media. The Syrian regime makes no distinction between anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic incitement.

Implementing Security Council Resolution 1701 (Update No. 2)

At a meeting held on August 16, the Lebanese government decided that in collaboration with UNIFIL, the Lebanese army would deploy in the area south of the Litani and in the eastern sector (the region of al-‘Arkub and the Hatsbayia and Marjayoun districts). It also determined that the army would preserve order and security in

Raising the issue of the Sheba’a Farms in the proposed American-French Security Council draft resolution for ending the fighting: background information and significance

The issue of the Sheba’a Farms was recently raised again, this time in the American-French proposal for a draft of a Security Council resolution to end the current confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah (August 5, 2006). The proposal calls, among other things, for Israel and Lebanon to support a viable ceasefire based on certain points,

Agreements, arrangements and understandings concerning Lebanon to which Israel was involved during the past 30 years – background, data, lessons and conclusions.

Summary, conclusions and lessons of thirty years of agreements, arrangements and understandings in Lebanon.