
News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 28 – September 2, 2013)

This week two incidents took place in which IEDs were used against IDF forces on patrol near the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. In August 2013 an attempted terrorist attack in Jerusalem’s Mamilla Mall was thwarted. Hamas and the other terrorist organizations working in the Gaza Strip are preparing for the possibility

Rockets fired by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades into the western Galilee – update *

On August 27, 2013, Sheikh Siraj al-Din Zariqat’s Twitter account gave the full text of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades/Ziyad Al-Jarrah Battalions’ claim of responsibility for firing four 122-mm Grad rockets with a range of 40 km, or about 25 miles, at Nahariya and Acre.

Spotlight on Iran – Support for Syria comes to Facebook: supporters of Iran’s military involvement in Syria increase their social network presence

In the past several months, elements affiliated with the Iranian regime have considerably stepped up their Facebook activity in a public relations move to spread a message of support for the Iranian military involvement in Syria.

Hezbollah Operatives Killed in Syria (Updated to the end of July 2013) *

To date, Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian civil war has led to more than 200 of its operatives’ being killed and several hundred of them wounded, most of them during the campaign for Al-Qusayr.

Hezbollah Operatives Killed in Syria – Update *

So far the involvement of Hezbollah in the Syrian civil war, in our assessment, has cost the organization almost 180 deaths and several hundred wounded.

Following the victory at Al-Qusayr Hezbollah is preparing to support the Syrian army forces to take over Aleppo

Following the victory in the campaign for Al-Qusayr, Hezbollah is working to strengthen its foothold on the ground while preparing to support the Syrian forces to take over Aleppo, the second most important and second largest city in Syria.