
Spotlight on Global Jihad (14-18 September 2017)

Syrian forces are deepening their grip on the Deir ez-Zor region in an effort to encircle the ISIS operatives in the city and sever their logistic supply channels. In talks held in Astana between Russia, Turkey, and Iran another agreement on de-escalation was reached for the Idlib area. This week an IED was detonated on a passenger train in west London.

Spotlight on Iran (September 10-17, 2017)

Iran, Russia and Turkey continue to hold deliberations concerning the settlement of the war in Syria. Iran is persisting in its intensive diplomatic and public relations offensive against the upcoming referendum on independence of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq. Iran and Syria signed several agreements on cooperation in the electricity sector, reifying the growing Iranian role in Syria’s economy.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (7-13 September 2017)

This week the battle against ISIS focused on Syria in the Deir ez-Zor area on two fronts concurrently. In Iraq the security forces are continuing their preparations for the taking of Al-Hawija, one of ISIS’ last strongholds in the state. The ISIS information bureaus in the various provinces are expressing the distress the organization is experiencing.

Spotlight on Iran (August 27 – September 10, 2017)

Senior Iranian officials praised the lifting of the siege from the city of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, defining it as “important and strategic”. Meanwhile, Iran is continuing to pursue its diplomatic work vis-à-vis Syria and Russia surrounding the negotiations process. The incoming Iranian Minister of Defense, Amir Hatami, declared upon assuming his position that Iran will continue to provide assistance to the “resistance front,” adding that Iran is capable of expanding the “advisory assistance” it has provided to its proxies.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 31 – September 6 2017)

ISIS continues its string of setbacks: In Syria - the SDF announced they had completed the capture of the Old City of Al-Raqqah. On 2 September 2017 the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Syrian forces, supported by the Russian air force, completed the capture of Uqayribat. In Iraq, Iraqi Premier Haider al-Abadi announced that Iraqi forces have completed the capture of Tal Afar, ISIS’s last stronghold in northern Iraq. The international coalition fighting ISIS has been preventing, through air strikes, the transit of hundreds of ISIS operatives and their families from the Qalamoun area to eastern Syria.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (24-30 August 2017)

This week Islamic State (ISIS) suffered two more setbacks, tagged onto a string of failures: SIS was forced to agree to a ceasefire with Hezbollah, under which it evacuated its operatives from the West Qalamoun mountains The city of Tal Afar, west of Mosul, fell within a week into the hands of the Iraqi forces and the “Popular Mobilization” (Shiite militias sponsored by Iran).