The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 20-26, 2018)

The most important event of the week was the US announcement that it intended to pull out its military personnel from Syria. An ITIC analysis of ISIS’s situation in Syria, Iraq, and the various provinces abroad shows that the organization has not been defeated, even though it was weakened following the collapse of the Islamic Caliphate. After the Caliphate collapsed, ISIS once again changed its methods and adapted itself to the changing realities.

The impact of the withdrawal of the American troops from Syria on the campaign against ISIS (Initial Assessment)

On December 19, 2018, four years after the American campaign against ISIS began, President Trump announced that ISIS had been defeated and America had won. Therefore, Trump and the American administration announced that the United States would withdraw its troops from Syria over a period of several months.

Iranian Responses to Trump’s Statement and Initial Assessment of the Statement’s Effect on Iranian Policy in Syria – Dr. Raz Zimmt

The decision of Unites States (U.S.) President Donald Trump to withdraw American forces from Syria was met in Iran with surprise and satisfaction by most senior officials and commentators. The drawdown of American troops from Syria is being presented as proof of the failure of U.S. strategy in the region, particularly in Syria, and another achievement of the “Resistance Front” led by the Islamic Republic.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 13-19, 2018)

In eastern Syria, the SDF forces, with Coalition air support, managed to take over most of the city of Hajin (ISIS’s main stronghold in the enclave under its control east of the Euphrates River). ISIS continues its terrorist attacks and guerrilla warfare in in the various provinces in Iraq, despite the preventive actions of the Iraqi security forces.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (December 6-12, 2018)

In eastern Syria, SDF forces, with massive air and artillery support from the Coalition countries, launched an attack on ISIS in the city of Hajin, ISIS’s stronghold in the enclave north of Albukamal. In the Idlib area incidents continued, consisting mainly of exchanges of artillery fire between the Syrian army and the jihadi rebel organizations. On December 12, 2018, a shooting attack was carried out in the Christmas market in Strasbourg, France. Four people were apparently killed and around 12 wounded

The United States proposed a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip

On November 30, 2018, the United States Mission to the United Nations proposed a resolution calling for the condemnation of Hamas for its terrorist activities in the Gaza Strip. According to the proposed resolution, Hamas is to be condemned for its repeated firing of rockets into Israel, inciting violence and putting civilians at risk, and using airborne incendiary devices [such as kites and balloons].