The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 1-7, 2023)

The decline in ISIS’s activity around the world continues. The organization’s activity focused on Africa. In Syria: The United States and Turkey imposed sanctions on a senior operative of the Al-Qaeda-affiliated HTS. In Nigeria ISIS continued its high-intensity activity against the Nigerian army in the northeast of the country. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo ISIS continued its activity against Christian residents. In Afghanistan a car bomb was detonated against a vehicle carrying a Taliban deputy governor of a province.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 25-31, 2023)

This week, there was a decline in ISIS’s activity around the world. The hotspot of the organization’s activity was in Africa. In Syria ISIS killed four fighters of the forces supporting the Syrian army in the desert area in two different attacks. A Russian colonel was killed by HTS artillery fire on the outskirts of Latakia. In Nigeria: ISIS continued its activity against the Nigerian army in the northeast of the country, albeit on a smaller scale than in recent weeks. In Congo: ISIS continued its activity against Christian residents near the Ugandan border. The editorial of ISIS’s weekly Al-Naba stresses that Syria's return to the Arab League is not surprising “since he is no different from the other tyrants in that organization.” The writer calls on Muslims in Syria to adhere to the path of jihad and not to rely on “the Arab dictators” to rescue them.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 24 – May 3, 2023)

This week, ISIS carried out relatively low-scale activity around the world. The focus of the activity was on Africa.A US-led Global Coalition force, supported by the Kurdish SDF forces, detained a senior ISIS commander north of Al-Raqqah. The US Army reported an airstrike against a senior Al-Qaeda operative in northwestern Syria. In Nigeria: ISIS continued its activity against Nigerian army targets and against local residents in the northeast of the country. In Congo ISIS continued its activity against Christian residents in the northeast of the country. At least seven residents were killed. Three people, two of them Jews and a Tunisian security guard, were killed in an attack carried out at the entrance to a synagogue on the island of Djerba in Tunisia . So far, no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack, but it may have been an Islamic-motivated attack. The editorial of ISIS’s Al-Naba weekly stressed ISIS’s weakness in the Arab region alongside its expansion on the African continent, noting that Africans have replaced the Arabs as successors of the path of jihad.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 24 – May 3, 2023)

ISIS’s activity around the world this week took place on a medium-low scale. The focus of its activity was on Africa. Al-Qaeda’s activity in Mali continued to be high. Turkish President announced that ISIS leader Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi had been killed in northwestern Syria as part of an operation by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization. The information has not been confirmed by other sources and has not been addressed by ISIS at this time. In the Deir ez-Zor-al-Mayadeen region, several attacks were carried out against the Kurdish SDF forces. In Nigeria: ISIS continued its intensive activity in northeastern Nigeria, mainly against Nigerian army targets. Al-Qaeda’s central leadership called on Muslims around the world to help its operatives to achieve “true independence from Jewish-Crusader control.”

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 30 – April 3, 2023)

This week, ISIS continued its relatively moderate activity around the world. Its center of activity was in Nigeria. In Syria ISIS operatives attacked the headquarters of the Kurdish internal security forces in southwest Al-Hasakah. In Iraq ISIS operatives carried out a number of attacks against security forces. Five wanted ISIS operatives were arrested in the provinces of Baghdad and Salah al-Din. In Nigeria ISIS continued to carry out attacks mainly against security forces in the northeast of the country.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (March 23-29, 2023)

This week, ISIS continued its relatively moderate activity around the world. Its center of activity was in Nigeria. In Syria, ISIS operatives continue to attack people who collect truffle mushrooms in the desert region. In Nigeria ISIS continued to carry out attacks mainly against security forces in the northeast of the country. The Nigerian army continued its counterterrorism activity. Dozens of ISIS operatives were killed. In Afghanistan, at least six people were killed in an ISIS suicide attack near the Foreign Ministry building in Kabul.