The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 14 – October 6, 2021)

Afghanistan: ISIS’s Khorasan Province significantly increased its activity against the Taliban in Afghanistan over the past three weeks. During the period under review, there was a relative decrease in ISIS’s activity in most of the provinces, apart from Iraq: Syria: ISIS’s activity focused on the Syrian Desert region, mainly against the Syrian army and the forces supporting it. Iraq: ISIS’s activity continued, mainly against the Iraqi security forces and the forces supporting them. Most of the activity focused on the Diyala Province. The Sinai Peninsula: The head of ISIS’s Sharia activity in the Sinai Peninsula and his family turned themselves in to the tribal militias in Sinai, which support the Egyptian army.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (August 26 – September 1, 2021)

Afghanistan: On August 26, 2021, five days before the end of the evacuation of the American and Western forces from Afghanistan, there was an explosion near the eastern wing of the Kabul international airport. In American assessment, ISIS would attempt to attack its forces before they leave the country. Syria: ISIS's activities continue to decline. Iraq: ISIS's attacks continue to decline in Iraq as well. The battle for hearts and minds: The lead article in al-Nabā’, ISIS's weekly magazine, was devoted to the need for Muslim scholars to lead the armies fighting their enemies, and not serve as tools in the hands of various regimes and the West.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (June 2-9, 2021)

This week, ISIS’s activity in the various provinces continued at a "routine" level: Syria: The main event this week was an attack, apparently carried out by ISIS operatives, against a convoy of the Syrian army and members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the Al-Sukhnah Desert, on the Palmyra-Deir ez-Zor highway. Iraq: ISIS claimed responsibility for detonating an IED near the tomb of Imam Musa al-Kadhim in the Shiite Kadhimiya neighborhood in northern Baghdad. The Sinai Peninsula: ISIS operatives carried out a combined attack on an Egyptian army camp south of Sheikh Zuweid. There has been a downtrend in ISIS’s activity in Africa. Libya: After a long period with no ISIS attacks in the country, this week ISIS carried out a suicide bombing attack at a roadblock set up by General Haftar’s army about 670 km south of Tripoli. At least four military personnel were killed, including an officer.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (May 6-12, 2021)

The fourth week of Ramadan was also marked by a relatively high number of attacks, mainly in Iraq and Africa. Syria: An IED was activated against a Syrian army ATV in the desert region (Al-Badia). The vehicle was destroyed and the passengers were killed or wounded. Iraq: The week, ISIS concentrated its activity mainly in the Kirkuk Province, where its operatives carried out several attacks against camps of the Iraqi security forces. Africa: There appears to have been a slight decrease in ISIS’s activity this week. Afghanistan: This week, for the first time, ISIS carried out activity against infrastructure in the country, as part of what it calls its economic war. Germany has outlawed several Islamic organizations affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Somalia and Syria.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 30 – May 5, 2021)

The third week of Ramadan was marked by a further increase in the number of ISIS attacks, mainly in Iraq and Africa. Syria: In the Daraa region, the terrorist attacks against the Syrian army continued this week. Iraq: This week as well, there has been an increase in ISIS’s terrorist activity. Sinai: After a period of relative calm, ISIS operatives attacked local residents in the village of Al-Amal, south of Al-Arish, on suspicion of collaborating with the Egyptian army. Three members of their families were killed. Africa: ISIS-affiliated elements continue their terrorist activity, mainly against military targets.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 22-29, 2021)

In the second week of Ramadan, ISIS's terrorism further increased, especially in Iraq, Syria, and Africa. In Africa, ISIS operatives mainly took control of army camps. Syria: ISIS continued to inflict casualties on the Syrian army in the desert area (Al-Badia). Iraq: This week, there was an increase in ISIS’s terror activity in general, and especially in the Diyala Province. Afghanistan: An increase was evident in the scope of ISIS’s attacks against security personnel, especially in the Jalalabad region. In France, a police worker was stabbed to death at the entrance to a police station near Paris.