The West

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 18 – May 1, 2019)

In light of ISIS’s difficulties in Syria and Iraq, during the past month, the organization has increased the scope of its attacks abroad, in terms of both “quality” and quantity. The focus of ISIS’s terrorist and guerrilla attacks around the world was a series of simultaneous suicide bombing attacks in three cities and seven locations in Sri Lanka. In the Syria and Iraqi arena, ISIS continues its guerrilla activity. ISIS’s terror attacks abroad were accompanied by a media campaign, culminating in the distribution of a new tape by the organization’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The Terrorist Attack in Sri Lanka: Overview and Significance (Full Version)

On the morning of April 21, 2019, eight Sri Lankan suicide bombers, handled and supported by ISIS, carried out a series of simultaneous suicide bombing attacks in three cities and seven locations in Sri Lanka. Most of the attacks were carried out in Colombo, the capital, where there were attacks on a church and three luxury hotels.

Hossein Salami The New Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps

On April 21, 2019, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, appointed Hossein Salami to the position of the new Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC); Salami is the eighth commander of the force. Salami, who served as the Deputy Commander of the IRGC over the past decade, replaced Mohammad-Ali Jafari, who served at the IRGC Commander since September 2007. Upon retirement from his position, Jafari was appointed to head the cultural-social command, Baqiatollah al-A'zam, which is charged with “soft power warfare” led by the IRGC, intended to counter perceived Western efforts to promote “cultural penetration” of Iran.

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 11-17, 2019)

In the Syrian arena, the ongoing fighting is now concentrated in the Idlib area. In the Iraqi arena, ISIS’s intensive activity continues in the various provinces in the north and west of the country. ISIS continued its media campaign designed to encourage and raise the morale of its operatives following the blow that it had suffered in Syria.

Wave of orchestrated ISIS terrorist retaliation attacks around the globe: overview and assessment

During four days, between April 8 and 11, 2019, the various ISIS provinces in Syria, Iraq and around the globe carried out a wave attacks in retaliation for the blow ISIS suffered in Syria. ISIS reported that eight of its provinces carried out more than 92 attacks in more than 80 areas. The attacks were accompanied by a media campaign and claims of responsibility entitled "Battle of vengeance for blessed [Province of] Sham" [Syria].

Spotlight on Global Jihad (April 4-10, 2019)

The SDF forces have finished mopping up the Al-Baghouz area from the presence of ISIS operatives. In the Idlib area, exchanges of fire continue between the Syrian army and the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al-Sham and other jihadi organizations. In the Al-Sukhnah area, ISIS released a video showing the bodies of two Russian officers and a captive Syrian soldier. The video apparently shows the aftermath of an ambush set by ISIS operatives for a Syrian-Russian convoy on the road leading from Al-Sukhnah to Deir ez-Zor (March 17, 2019).